[spectre] AIMC Calls for Alt-AIMC and Doctoral Consortium

Chris Kiefer c.kiefer at sussex.ac.uk
Wed May 10 13:11:02 CEST 2023

Greetings AI researchers!

The Artificial Intelligence Music Creativity conference is being held at 
the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, in late August 2023. The 
conference theme is Intelligent Performance Systems. Deadlines for 
papers and performances have passed, but we are opening up for 
contributions of late-breaking research both for our Alt-AIMC strand and 
the Doctoral Consortium.

Info here:


*:::::::: Alt-AIMC: Call for Papers ::::::::*

Alt-AIMC is a submission track in the 2023 AI Musical Creativity 
Conference for late-breaking research, work-in-progress reports, and 
novel, thought-provoking, risky or disruptive ideas about music and 
artificial intelligence. We welcome work that might not fit with the 
standard conference review process, for example, work that:

• addresses or suggests controversial ideas

• questions and challenges current ideas and research

• pushes or subverts boundaries of the field

• provides novel insights and new critical perspectives

We also welcome papers on late-breaking research results that were too 
late for the main call, or in-progress projects that would benefit from 
feedback from the conference community.

*Review Process*

Alt-AIMC will follow an informal review process, where papers will be 
commented on by the organising committee. Papers will be judged on (a) 
value to the conference community (b) novelty (c) where appropriate, 
novel, creative and critical perspectives (d) the quality of 

Accepted papers will be presented at the conference.

*Submission Instructions*

Please submit short papers (up to 2000 words) within the scope of the 
indicative topics in our main call for 
participation (<https://aimc2023.pubpub.org/cfp>https://aimc2023.pubpub.org/cfp). Follow 
the instructions detailed in the call for writing a paper on pubpub, 
then email your pubpub link to aimusiccreativity2023 at gmail.com with the 
subject ‘Alt-AIMC Submission’. Submissions should not be anonymised.


1st July: Submission deadline

21st July: Notifications

*:::::::: Doctoral Consortium ::::::::*

The consortium will offer participants the opportunity to share nascent 
cutting-edge research in the interdisciplinary field of music and AI. 
Researchers whose work involves performance systems are encouraged to 
make a submission to give a paper, a demonstration, or a short 
performance. The colloquium is organised by Sussex and Iceland 
University of the Arts doctoral researchers, with support from key 
researchers in the field. The colloquium will serve as an ideal platform 
for practice based researchers to discuss research questions, methods, 
and get feedback on work-in-progress.

Doctoral Consortium paper format is the same as the Scientific Paper 
format, except shorter (2000-3000 words) and not anonymous.

This consortium will take place in Sussex Humanities Lab on Day 1.

*Submission Instructions*

Please submit short papers (up to 2000-3000 words) within the scope of 
the indicative topics in our main call for 
participation (<https://aimc2023.pubpub.org/cfp>https://aimc2023.pubpub.org/cfp). Follow 
the instructions detailed in the call for writing a paper on pubpub, 
then email your pubpub link to aimusiccreativity2023 at gmail.com with the 
subject ‘AIMC Doctoral Consortium’. Submissions should not be anonymised.


1st July: Submission deadline

21st July: Notifications
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