[spectre] Another Planet: the videos are now online!

Annick2 anikburo at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 11:11:03 CEST 2024

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

You could not attend the LASER Paris meeting of March 14th 
2024 "Another Planet" with Luis Campos, Chloé Audas, Michèle 
Boulogne and Antti Tenetz;

You came but you would like to listen to some parts again;

You know students or friends that you would have liked that 
they could have attended that event?

The videos recordings are now online! (scroll down the page)


Michèle Boulogne presentation is in French, the others in 


Best Wishes

Annick Bureaud

During this LASER Paris meeting, two artists —*Michèle 
Boulogne* and *Antti Tenetz* and two scientists, one in 
Humanities and the other in hard science —*Luis Campos* and 
*Chloé Audas*, shated their researches and knowledge, their 
approaches and results.

Alltogether, we discussed what is, or what could be, another 
planet —another one than ours or ours but differently.

        > Luis Campos, historian of sciences, Rice University (Houston,
        Texas, USA)// Ascensions and Astrobotany: Islands in
        the Sky

        > Chloé Audas, Head of the MELiSSA project, (ESA/ESTEC,
        Noordwijk, The Netherlands) //MELiSSA Project: space
        research for sustainability

Chloé Audas asked not to published online the video 
recording of her presentation. Therefore we kept only the 
part with the discussion with Luis Campos.

*> Michèle Boulogne*, artist and designer, (Rotterdam, The 
Netherlands and Martinique, France) // */Mining the Sky,/ 
the pursuit of finitude*

*> Antti Tenetz*, artist, researcher and curator, project 
manager of "More-than-Planet" for the Northern Photographic 
Centre, (Oulu, Finland) // *Into the Void - Art in extreme 
environments? Space, mine, research station in sub-arctic 
wilderness, analog astronaut missions.*

Programme created by Leonardo/ISAST (www.leonardo.info), 
LASER (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendez-vous, 
www.leonardo.info/laser) is a sharing of experiences around 
art-science projects in semi-formal meetings, outside the 
institutional framework.

LASER Paris of March 14th 2024 is organised by 
*Leonardo/Olats* in partnership with *Matrice*, centre for 
social and technological innovation 
(https://www.matrice.io/), with the support of *Rice Global 
Paris Center *(https://global.rice.edu/pariscenter).*.*

LASER Paris"Another Planet" is part of /More-Than-Planet/ 
project, an international cooperation project between 
Stichting Waag Society (NL), lead partner, Zavod Projekt 
Atol (SI), Ars Electronica (AT), Digital Art International 
ART2M (FR), Northern Photographic Centre (FI) and 
Leonardo/Olats (FR). Co-funded by the European Union.
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