[spectre] CONF: Queer Tosquelles 2024 (Koeln, 21-22 Jun 24)
Andreas Broeckmann LEU
andreas.broeckmann at leuphana.de
Tue Jun 18 07:29:36 CEST 2024
From: Anna Bromley
Date: Jun 17, 2024
Subject: CONF: Queer Tosquelles 2024 (Koeln, 21-22 Jun 24)
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln, Aula, Filzengraben 2, 50676 Köln, Jun
21–22, 2024
QUEER TOSQUELLES will engage with the history of revolutionary,
anti-fascist psychiatric practices and their involvement in ways of
fleeing and resisting since the 1920s in Spain, France, Italy, and Germany.
The international conference will focus on the practices of
Catalan/French psychiatrist François Tosquelles (1912–1994), who
influenced Félix Guattari, Frantz Fanon and many others – from
institutional analysis to political philosophy.
Tosquelles is still largely unknown in Germany. For some years now,
however, a lively reception has been taking place in the art field,
especially in Spain and France, with large archival and research
exhibitions, catalogues and films.
The conference at the KHM will bring together researchers and artists
working on the genealogies of Tosquelles's manifold surrounds and
exploring the potentials of his practice today. Here, queerness emerges
in many facets: through Tosquelles's insistence on the deconstruction of
the nuclear family and the importance of other forms of making kin,
through the various rhythms of vagabonding, through the weird, the
strange, the non-sensical and the non-normalized, through a political
philosophy of multiplicity, through a queering practice that traverses
all non-identitarian forms of life.
With Janna Graham, Carles Guerra, Isabell Lorey, Angela Melitopoulos,
Stefan Nowotny, Anne Querrien, Gerald Raunig, Wanderley Santos,
Francesco Salvini, Henning Schmidgen, Elena Vogman.
Organized by Isabell Lorey, Anna Bromley, Konstantin Butz, Lilian
Haberer, Katrin M. Kämpf, Mary Mikaelyan, Maren Mildner, Stefan Nowotny,
Heidi Pfohl
In cooperation with the European Institute for Progressive Cultural
Policies (eipcp)
Free entrance. In English - no online attendance or livestream available.
Friday – June 21
10:30 START
Welcoming by Mathias Antlfinger (Rector of the KHM), Lilian Haberer
(Department Speaker of Art and Media Studies / KHM), Katrin M. Kämpf
(Queer Studies / KHM),
Isabell Lorey
Ergotherapy, Vagabondage, and Instituent Care In his
revolutionary psychiatric practice, Francesc Tosquelles insists that
institutions cannot care unless everyone cares for the institution. In
the process of instituting, instituent care erodes the walls of the
institution, spreads to the surroundings and allows itself to be
transversally permeated. As a form of vagabondage, it remains unfamiliar
and strange and allies itself with resistance. One of the many
inspirations for these practices came from the reformatory psychiatric
ergotherapy of Hermann Simon, director of the psychiatric hospital in
Gütersloh, North Rhine-Westphalia, who increasingly advocated
biologistic and social Darwinist positions at the end of the 1920s.
Tosquelles hijacked Simon’s reformist practices to make revolutionary
use of them.
Angela Melitopoulos
Déconnage (Lecture and Screening)
In its original form, Déconnage is a multi-screen video installation
with an archive table and a selection of books (2012, 100 min, Color).
Déconnage is part of Melitopoulos’s audiovisual research, in
collaboration with Maurizio Lazzarato, about Félix Guattari and the
concept of machinic animism. This installation and video about the
Catalan, anarcho-syndicalist psychiatrist and resistance fighter
Francesc Tosquelles was conceived as an interlinked archival survey in
experimental audiovisual form. It narrates the beginnings of the
institutional psychotherapy invented in the psychiatric asylum of
Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole in the Lozère department in southern France
during the Second World War.
14:00 – 15:00 BREAK
Carles Guerra
Tosquelles and the Delusional Narrator
Francesc Tosquelles is a truly fascinating storyteller. Through the many
interviews he gave during his lifetime, he emerges as a pragmatic
character. Sometimes facing catastrophe or otherwise diffuse
humanitarian crises. So much so that, by the end of his life, the
several interviewers he attracted were amazed by his epic, yet farcical
tone. His account of his own life often challenges factual and archival
evidence. At stake here is his own right to be a delusional narrator.
Stefan Nowotny Living through the End of the World
(as We Know It)
The question of catastrophic experience – an experience of ‘the end of
the world’ – constitutes the subject of Tosquelles’s medical thesis Le
vécu de la fin du monde dans la folie, submitted and defended in 1948.
In the preface to its delayed publication in 1986, Tosquelles leaves no
doubt that, while the thesis presented itself as a clinical account of
such experiences ‘in madness’, he had written it under the impression of
a madness inseparable from the dictates of normality: the madness of the
Spanish Civil War and of World War II, which had indeed ended the worlds
and lives of so many. Against this backdrop, I would firstly like to
examine the intertwinement of clinical, philosophical and sociopolitical
analyses in Tosquelles’s thesis and its implications for what would come
to be termed institutional psychotherapy or institutional analysis.
Secondly, I would like to consider the existential motif of an
experienced ‘end of the world’ with a view to the desiring surges
traversing it, but also to a radical multiplicity of experiences that
challenges assumptions about the ‘we’ underpinning what is commonly
perceived as a world.
17:00 – 17:30 BREAK
Anne Querrien
Tosquelles: la folie citoyenne / Foolishness and Citizenship
Foolishness creates queer subjectivities, following as many paths as
there are foolish persons. Foolishness, as a continuous variation on a
given path, is blocked by repression or by the inability of the body to
follow the mind.
Institutional psychotherapy creates spaces in which fools can express
themselves by theater and can be political subjects, ordinary persons.
Can the democratic spaces of the clinics be extended to other parts of
society, as Guattari tried? Is this extension a kind of
intersectionality, as in the local dispute between Tosquelles and Fanon?
Saturday – June 22
10:30 START
Henning Schmidgen Tosquelles and Canguilhem: A Pathbreaking Encounter
In the summer of 1944, philosopher Georges Canguilhem spent several
weeks hiding and caring for wounded patients in the psychiatric clinic
of Saint-Alban as a ‘resistance-physician’. During this time, Canguilhem
took part in the clinical work carried out at Saint-Alban, among other
things by examining and observing the patient ‘Mme. C…’. In return, as
it were, Tosquelles, Bonnafé and others read and discussed the medical
thesis that Canguilhem had defended at the Université de Strasbourg in
1943, the famous Essay on Some Problems Concerning the Normal and the
Pathological. My paper explores the convergences between the
psychological views of Canguilhem and Tosquelles. It focuses on
questions concerning the status of mental illness (and queerness) and
the ‘normativity’, i.e., the autonomy, of organic individuals.
Elena Vogman Three Billion Perverts: Tosquelles and
the Politics of the Body
In his research on ‘extensive psychiatry’ and myokinesis with Mira i
Lopez in Catalonia, and then on his flight from the Franco regime to
France via the concentration camp Septfonds, Tosquelles conceived of the
human body as perpetually moving— ‘always a migrant’. Displacement,
foreignness, madness became for him essential features of being human.
They constituted the point of departure not only for the
geo-psychiatric, aesthetic, and environmental approach to psychiatric
care at Saint-Alban, but also for ‘the politics of the body’ advanced
within the framework of ‘institutional analysis’ at La Borde clinic.
This presentation focuses on the censored issue of the journal
Recherches, founded by CERFI and directed by Félix Guattari, with the
title ‘Three Billion Perverts. The Big Encyclopedia of Homosexualities’
(1973). Following Foucault, the talk analyses in the anonymous and
collective contributions to this issue the political and aesthetic means
of regaining ‘possession of [one’s] own body, and of the bodies of
others […] for purposes other than [their] use as a workforce’.
12:30 – 13:00 BREAK
Janna Graham and Wanderley Santos
‘Death’ in the gaps: Pedagogies of Individualisation and
Dis-alienation in London Urban Secondary schools
This presentation will draw from contemporary scenes in urban secondary
schools in London where racialised students – whether directed towards
Ivy League universities or barista training programmes – are routinely
moulded into individuals via strategies as divergent as attachment
therapy, behavioural psychology and corporate workplace cosplay. Where
Tosquelles’s analysis of concentrationist tendencies drew from the
spaces of the clinic and the camp, in this presentation we will look at
the production of the individual through colonial and neoliberal
practices of subjectivation in schools, which, though sometimes adopting
the forms used by Tosquelles and others (the team, the newspaper, the
Club), do so within an apparatus of social death that renders the life
and practice of groups impossible. Working at the meeting places between
Fanon and Tosquelles we will test possibilities for how, within these
contexts, we might produce ‘transferential constellations’, processes
that – beyond the ideal of pure horizontality – generate
micro-revolutions of the individual, multiple expressions of singularity
and transversal relations in a collective space.
14:15 – 15:30 BREAK
Francesco Salvini Maquis in the Institutions
In 1987, a group of workers from Trieste met Francesc Tosquelles, a by
now famous gathering recorded by Maurizio Costantino and Giovanna Gallio
in La scuola di libertà (The School of Freedom). What emerges, as in
other conversations of Tosquelles, is a style of research and invention
that advances by association and displacement, in what Francesc
Tosquelles calls déconnage. The point of arrival of the conversation is
the common bet on a ‘maquis’ practice in the institutions. Starting from
the word maquis, its polyvalence, its associations, its displacements we
will propose a series of critical reflections on the complex and open
relationship between Tosquelles’s practice and theory and the Basaglian
experience in Trieste.
Gerald Raunig Molecular Psycho-Breakdown-Services
In my lecture, I will focus less on the individual Francesc Tosquelles,
but rather on the queer swarm, the dividual Tosquelles, in historical
relations and fictional encounters. And if it proves aesthetically
probable, this swarm will also meet Harry Spiegel and Irene Goldin, in
breakdown services for the International Brigades, on flights over the
Pyrenees or in disguises for the French Resistance. And their resistance
will never have been individual, straightened and upright, but breaking
up and building down, dissemblage, dividual, queer.
18:00 END
Reference / Quellennachweis:
CONF: Queer Tosquelles 2024 (Köln, 21-22 Jun 24). In: ArtHist.net, Jun
17, 2024. <https://arthist.net/archive/42086>.
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