[spectre] [CAS] Talk - Unreliable Past, Lev Manovich - 15 May 2024

Paul Brown paul at paul-brown.com
Wed May 1 03:18:43 CEST 2024


The Computer Arts Society’s 2024 series of events continues
Unreliable Past

Speaker: Lev Manovich;  Moderator: Bronaċ Ferran
19:00 GMT, Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Other time zones here:  https://www.timeanddate.com <https://www.timeanddate.com/> 

This event will be held via Zoom only.
I will describe a number of characteristics of visual generative media (i.e., “GenAI") that I believe are particularly significant or novel.  My arguments draw on both the history of art from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, and the recent history of digital media over the last forty years. They also reflect my own experience as an artist who was trained in traditional art techniques and then started working with computers in 1984. I will also discuss the ideas behind some of my generative artworks included in my recent personal exhibitions, “Unreliable Past” and “Memory, Draw" (2023-2024).
Lev Manovich – http://manovich.net/ – is an artist, author, and one of the world's most influential digital culture theorists. Currently, he is the Presidential Professor of Computer Science at the City University of New York's Graduate Center and the Director of the Cultural Analytics Lab. His books include Artificial Aesthetics, Cultural Analytics, AI Aesthetics, Instagram and Contemporary Image, Software Takes Command, and The Language of New Media. 
The event will be recorded and uploaded to the CAS YouTube Channel.
This event is Zoom only and is open to the public and is free but you must book your place here:  https://ComputerArtsSociety150524.eventbrite.co.uk <https://computerartssociety150524.eventbrite.co.uk/>

Our next meeting will be the CAS Members Exhibition Opening and talks on 26 June 2024 In Person and Zoom.

You can see our future programme here: 

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