[spectre] 24-25 September 2024: Oulu Finland - More-than-Planet Event

Annick2 anikburo at gmail.com
Mon May 13 14:56:42 CEST 2024

Dear Spectrites

It is my great pleasure to forward the announcement of Photo 
North about the event it is organising at the end of 
September as part of the More-than-Planet Creative Europe 

Oulu, Finland will be the place to be this Autumn!




*Photo North: More-than-Planet Environmental Literacy 
Seminar and Photo Exhibition Opening will take place on 
24-25 September 2024 at Valve Cultural Centre, Oulu.*

Globally, 75% of the world's land area is under direct human 
influence. Our actions and the way we understand and 
conceptualise the planet have a concrete impact on our 
environment. The technologies used to study and describe the 
Earth's environment, as well as the concepts, value systems 
and cultures that define the human perspective, are often 
complex, difficult to understand and disconnected from 
people's everyday lives.

How can artists and critical researchers contribute to the 
challenges of space and ecological crisis? How can 
environmental literacy open up new perspectives, connections 
and agency for individuals and communities in a world 
struggling with climate change?

These themes will be explored in the More-than-Planet 
seminar starting on Tuesday 24th of September. The event 
will include presentations on interspecies relations, the 
problematics of observation and imaging technologies, 
satellite remote sensing, ecological transition and the role 
of art in social discourse. In addition, we will hear  
presentations of the workshops and residencies carried out 
during the More-than-Planet project.

On the evening of the first day of the seminar at 19:00, the 
opening of the More-than-Planet exhibition will be 
celebrated in the Valve and Photo North galleries. The 
exhibition is open until 19th of January 2025. The 
exhibition, which focuses on environmental literacy, offers 
perspectives and views from the space, the forests and 
beneath the earth's surface. The artists featured in the 
exhibition are Baran Caginli, Felicia Honkasalo, Mari 
Keski-Korsu, Kotryna Ula Kiliulyte, Minna Långström and 
Cesar and Lois collective.

Combining satellite data, artistic research, citizen science 
and photography, the More-than-Planet project develops 
environmental literacy through artistic work and 
collaborations linking space, climate and environmental 
research from 2022 to 2025. Project partners include the 
Waag Society in the Netherlands, the Ars Electronica Centre 
in Austria, Leonardo/Olats and Makery in France and Project 
Atol in Slovenia. Photo North's local partners include the 
University of Oulu's Oulanka Research Station, the Pyhäsalmi 
Mine's Callio Lab research and testing organisation, and the 
University of Oulu's Kerttu Saalasti Institute.

The international research project More-than-Planet 
<https://waag.org/en/project/more-planet/> develops 
environmental literacy through space exploration, artistic 
work and collaboration between 2022 and 2025. This project 
receives funding from the European Union’s Creative Europe 
programme under grant agreement No 101056238 and national 
match funding from the City of Oulu and the Finnish National 
Agency for Education.







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