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</head><body><div align="justify"><font size="3"><strong><img width="400" height="226" src="http://pavilionmagazine.org/phplist/tempdir/krenn.jpg" alt="" /><br />
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</strong></font><font size="3"><font size="1">/for Romanian please scroll down</font><strong><br />
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Destroying Public Harmony</strong><br />
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<strong>6-29 august, 2010</strong></font> <font size="3"><br />
<strong>Brukenthal National Museum/Contemporary Art Gallery</strong></font> <font size="3"><br />
Str. Tribunei Nr. 6, Sibiu <br />
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Vernisaj: 6 august, 13.30 </font> <font size="3"><br />
Cu un drink follow up alaturi de curator de la 21.00 in Bohemian Flow, Piata Mica 26, Sibiu.<br />
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<strong>Curator:</strong></font> <font size="3"> Andrei Craciun<br />
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<strong>Participanti: </strong></font> <font size="3">Etcetera presents the International Errorists (AR), Rainer Ganahl (A/US), Ciprian Homorodean (RO/BE), Martin Krenn (A), Ahmet Ogut (TR/NL), Catalina Niculescu (RO/UK)<br />
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<strong>Publicatie:</strong></font> <font size="3"> "Destroing Public Harmony", 64 pagini, Ro/En. Cu texte de Andrei Craciun, Doina Petrescu and Rainer Ganhl<br />
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<em>Armonia sociala este problematica la nivelul responsabilitatii sociale si al implicarii individului in comunitate. Dincolo de etimologiile cuvantului si plaja variata de sensuri ale armoniei sociale, modul de a actiona al individului in comunitate trebuie sa respecte toate criteriile, dogmele si standardele morale impuse pentru ca input-ul sa nu deranjeze bunastarea sociala (dictata de binele comun). Armonia sociala este un termen vast, complicat si cu multe subterfugii si gasesc interesant de urmarit momentul intrarilor/iesirilor dintr-un grup uman compact si modalitatea an care aceste turbulente modifica caracterul general al notiunii. </em></font> <font size="3"><br />
<em>Destroing Public Harmony, utilizandu-se de caracterul aparent utopic, vag si compromis, al notiunii de armonie, sub umbrela diversitatii de sensuri atribuite, asi propune sa intervina an cadrul unei comunitati armonioase, Sibiul, creand o platforma care sa dezbata conditiile an care publicul se manifesta an comunitatea sa, precum si modalitatea in care el este dispus la contra-armonie, fie ea revolutie, revolta, spaima sociala, neliniste. Distrugand o aparenta armonie sociala nu riscam nimic, ca cetateni avem dreptul la rasfrangere, revolta si razbunare impotriva comunitatii, bisericii, statului s.a.m.d.</em></font> <font size="3"><br />
<em>Avem interdictii, reguli si standarde sigur, dar nu mai avem prevederi, avem sentimente morale, dar nu mai suntem datori, ne-am impacat cu Iisus, dar nu mai avem predici despre datoria omului si a cetateanului. Nu traim intr-o societate in care totul este permis, ci intr-o societate a unei “morale fara obligatie si fara sanctiune“ (Jean-Marie Guyau )</em></font> <font size="3"><br />
<em>Noi nu este pluralul lui eu, nu este un rezultat de insumare. Relatia cu Celalalt nu este ireversibila, si este in mod esential neegala: “Eu are intotdeauna o responsabilitate mai mare decat a tuturor." (Emanuel Levinas). Exista un razboi intre eu si lume. intotdeauna lumea va castiga. Armonia sociala este intangibila si prin urmare invincibila. (Extras from the text "Destroing Public Harmony" by Andrei Craciun, published in the publication of the exhibition).</em></font> <font size="3"><br />
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Andrei Craciun (n. 1988) este curator, teoretician. A studiat arhitectura si, recent a inceput sa studieze istoria artei la Universitatea din Bucuresti. Practica si cercetarea sa se concentreaza pe relația dintre arhitectura, politica si sfera sociala. in acelasi timp este interesat de ariile de legatura dintre activism, gender, ca si de arhitectura participativa. Printre ultimele sale proiecte curatoriale se afla "100 de minute romanesti". Din 2008 a fost numit coordonator al centrului de arta si cultura contemporana PAVILION UNICREDIT si in 2010 a fost assistant curator al BUCHAREST BIENNALE 4. in prezent lucreaza la un nou proiect curatorial "Utopia of Exotic" pentru Pavilion UniCredit. Traieste si lucreaza in Bucuresti.</font> <font size="3"><br />
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Proiect sustinut de PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.</font> <font size="3"><br />
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<em>Imagine: Videostill from Martin Krenn, In Between the Movements, "NOG8", video, 13 minutes.</em></font> <font size="3"><br />
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<strong>Destroying Public Harmony</strong></font> <font size="3"><br />
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<strong>August 6-29, 2010</strong></font> <font size="3"><br />
<strong>Brukenthal National Museum/Contemporary Art Gallery</strong></font> <font size="3"><br />
Str. Tribunei Nr. 6, Sibiu <br />
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Opening: 6 August, 13.30</font> <font size="3"><br />
With a drink follow up with the curator from 21.00 in Bohemian Flow, Piata Mica 26, Sibiu.<br />
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<strong>Curator:</strong></font> <font size="3"> Andrei Craciun<br />
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<strong>Participants:</strong></font> <font size="3"> Etcetera presents the International Errorists (AR), Rainer Ganahl (A/US), Ciprian Homorodean (RO/BE), Martin Krenn (A), Ahmet Ogut (TR/NL), Catalina Niculescu (RO/UK)<br />
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<em>Social harmony is problematic when it comes to social responsibility and individual engagement within the community. Beyond the word's etymology and the wide range of meanings of social harmony, individual action in the community must respect all the imposed criteria, dogmas and moral standards for the input not to disturb the social well-being (dictated by the common good). Social harmony is a vast and complicated term, containing many subtexts and I find it interesting to watch the moment of entry/exit into and from a compact group of people and the way in which these disturbances modify the general character of the concept. </em></font> <font size="3"><br />
<em>Destroying Public Harmony, using the apparently utopian, vague and compromised character of the concept of harmony, taking into account the diversity of assigned meanings, proposes to intervene inside a harmonious community, Sibiu, creating a platform that would debate the conditions in which the public manifests inside its community, as well as the way it is open to counter-harmony, whatever it may be, revolution, revolt, social unrest, turmoil. By destroying an apparent social harmony we don't risk anything, as citizens we have the right to rebel, revolt and avenge against the community, church, state etc.</em></font> <font size="3"><br />
<em>We have interdictions, rules and standards, of course, but we no longer have provisions, we have moral feelings, but we are no longer indebted, we have made peace with Jesus, but we no longer have sermons on the duty of man and citizen. We don't live in a society where everything is permitted, but in a society of a "moral without obligation or sanction" (Jean-Marie Guyau )</em></font> <font size="3"><br />
<em>We is not the plural of I, it isn't the result of an addition. The relationship with the other isn't reversible and is essentially unequal: "I has always a greater responsibility than everybody else" (Emanuel Levinas). There is a war between I and the world. The world will always win. Social harmony is intangible and therefore, invincible. (Extras from the text "Destroing Public Harmony" by Andrei Craciun, published in the publication of the exhibition).</em></font> <font size="3"><br />
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Andrei Crăciun (b. 1988) is curator and theoretician. He studied architecture and now history of arts at University of Bucharest. His research and curatorial practice is focused on the relations between architecture, politics and the social sphere. Consequently, he is interested in areas linked to activism, gender, as well as participative architecture. Among his last curatorial projects is "100 Romanian Minutes" (Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Timisoara). Since 2008 he is the coordinator of PAVILION UNICREDIT - center for contemporary art & culture and he was assistant curator for BUCHAREST BIENNALE 2010. Curently is working on his new curatorial project "Utopia of Exotic" for Pavilion, Bucharest. Living and working in Bucharest.</font> <font size="3"><br />
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Project supported by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.</font> <font size="3"><br />
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<em>Image: Videostill from Martin Krenn, In Between the Movements, "NOG8", video, 13 minutes.</em></font> <font size="3"><br />
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