<html><head></head><body ><div align='left'><font ><blockquote><blockquote>Leonardo ISAST and OLATS Call<BR>
Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks — 2nd Leonardo satellite<BR>
symposium at NetSci2011<BR>
We are pleased to announce the second Leonardo satellite symposium at<BR>
NetSci2011 on Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks. The aim of the<BR>
symposium is to foster cross-disciplinary research on complex systems<BR>
within or with the help of arts and humanities.<BR>
The symposium will highlight arts and humanities as an interesting<BR>
source of data, where the combined experience of arts, humanities<BR>
research, and natural science makes a huge difference in overcoming<BR>
the limitations of artificially segregated communities of practice.<BR>
Furthermore, the symposium will focus on striking examples, where<BR>
artists and humanities researchers make an impact within the natural<BR>
sciences. By bringing together network scientists and specialists from<BR>
the arts and humanities we strive for a better understanding of<BR>
networks and their visualizations in general.<BR>
The overall mission is to bring together pioneer work, leveraging<BR>
previously unused potential by developing the right questions,<BR>
methods, and tools, as well as dealing with problems of information<BR>
accuracy and incompleteness. Running parallel to the NetSci2011<BR>
conference, the symposium will also provide a unique opportunity to<BR>
mingle with leading researchers and practitioners of complex network<BR>
science, potentially sparking fruitful collaborations.<BR>
In addition to keynotes and interdisciplinary discussion, we are<BR>
looking for a number of contributed talks. Selected papers will be<BR>
published in print in a Special Section of Leonardo Journal (MIT<BR>
Press), as well as online in Leonardo Transactions. The symposium is a<BR>
follow up to the first satellite event on “Arts | Humanities | Complex<BR>
Networks" at NetSci2010 in Boston.<BR>
The 2010 abstracts, papers and<BR>
videos are available at http://artshumanities.netsci2010.net.<BR>
Confirmed 2011 keynote speakers:<BR>
Marek Claassen, Director, ArtFacts.Net<BR>
Jim Crutchfield, Director, Complexity Sciences Center, UC Davis /<BR>
Scientific Director and Vice President, Art & Science Laboratory,<BR>
Santa Fe<BR>
Nathalie Henry Riche, researcher, VIBE group, Microsoft Research, <BR>
Organizing committee: ^<BR>
Maximilian Schich, CCNR BarabásiLab, Northeastern University, USA<BR>
Roger Malina, Executive Editor at Leonardo Publications, France/USA<BR>
Isabel Meirelles, Dept. of Art + Design, Northeastern University, USA<BR>
Tijana Stepanovic, Ludwig Museum–Museum of Contemporary Art’s<BR>
Affiliate, ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange, Hungary<BR>
Possible subjects include: ^<BR>
* Contemporary art and network science;<BR>
* Cultural exchange and trade networks (from the Neolithic to modern<BR>
supply chains);<BR>
* Emergence and evolution of canon in art, music, literature and film;<BR>
* Evolution of communities of practice in art and science;<BR>
* History and theory of network visualization;<BR>
* Networks in architecture and urban planning (from Ekistics to <BR>
Reality Mining);<BR>
* Network structure and dynamics in art, music, literature and film;<BR>
* Networks of similarity and dependence (citation, motifs, Mnemosyne, <BR>
* Taxonomy and evolutionary models in art and science.<BR>
Submissions: ^<BR>
We are looking for ten 15 minute contributions covering a large<BR>
territory around arts, humanities and complex networks. Abstracts<BR>
should not exceed 300 words and include one relevant URL. You are also<BR>
requested to upload your most awesome figure in jpg format. You will<BR>
have the opportunity to post your submission using the EasyChair<BR>
system: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ahcnnetsci2011<BR>
Important dates: ^<BR>
The deadline for applications is February 6, 2011.<BR>
Decisions for acceptance will be sent out by February 28, 2011.<BR>
The symposium will take place in Budapest on June 7, 2011.<BR>
For the NetSci2011 registration<BR>
fee and deadline please see http://www.netsci2011.net.<BR>
Links: ^<BR>
Download CFP: Arts, Humanities, and Complex Networks at NetSci2011:<BR>
NetSci2011: http://www.netsci2011.net<BR>
The 2010 abstracts, papers and videos: <BR>
ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange: http://www.acax.hu<BR>
BarabásiLab, Northeastern University, Boston: <BR>
Dept. Art+Design, Northeastern University, Boston: <BR>
Leonardo/ISAST: http://www.leonardo.info<BR>
Leonardo/OLATS: http://www.olats.org<BR>
Ludwig Museum–Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest: <BR>
<br><br><br><br><br><br><font><p align=left>Colleague: Do not send confidential email to this
address. I use this address as a moderator of the YASMIN network and I assume that any emails I receive here are public and I can post on YASMIN.</blockquote></blockquote></div></font></body></html>