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<div id="banner"><a name="ita"></a><small>12/10/2011</small><br /> <em>Share Prize 2011 - Short List</em></div>
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<div id="lingua">ITALIANO</div>
<p>Cari amici di Share Festival,<br /><br /><strong>Piemonte Share</strong> annuncia la short list della nuova edizione di <strong>Share Prize</strong>.<br />Il premio quest'anno verte sull'argomento della 7ª edizione di Share Festival dal titolo<strong> Cops & Robbers</strong>.<br />Il tema si ispira a pratiche artistiche come l'appropriazionismo, l'interventismo, il plagiarismo, che possono essere lette in una chiave che oggi fa del fake, mash up e remix un'estetica che sconfina in espressioni artistiche di frontiera e nel superamento delle consuetudini della legalità. Una tematica che si inserisce perfettamente con quel "fare rete" che fin dall'inizio ha implicato una dialettica tra legalità e illegalità, tra furto e dono, tra apertura e chiusura, tra la proprietà grave intellettuale e la condivisione e quindi tra partecipazione allargata e posizione dominante.<br /><br />I 6 candidati al premio parteciperanno alla 7ª edizione di Share Festival dal 2 al 13 novembre 2011 al Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino.<br /><br />Ora siete pronti a scoprire il gruppo di artisti selezionati per partecipare allo Share Festival 2011?<br /><br />Circa 250 progetti da 20 paesi sono stati presi in considerazione per lo Share Prize 2011. <br />La giuria composta da Bruce Sterling e dalla curatrice della mostra Simona Lodi ha compiuto un complesso e approfondito esame di tutti i lavori che concorreranno per la vittoria dell'ambito premio.<br /><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/2b19f34df85d77631717880773vewfv/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">Leggi la dichiarazione della giuria qui</a><br /><br />Il vincitore del premio e la honorary mention saranno annunciati durante la cerimonia di premiazione dello Share Prize il 2 novembre 2011 al Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino, ore 18.30.<br /><br />Opere Selezionate:<br /><br /><strong>Paolo Ciro | Alessandro Ludovico (IT), Face-to-Facebook (2011)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/11521d911427d61f560f3c8e57d017j9/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">www.face-to-facebook.net</a><br /><br /><strong>Mul Geert (NL), God's Browser (2010)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/def30e2f3b7d8ff8806a0d2039suo20/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">www.geertmul.nl/Geert_Mul/Gods_Browser.html</a><br /><br /><strong>IOCOSE (IT), Sun Flower Seeds on "Sunflower Seeeds", (2011)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/0b70982777e6f229a5f4e5ae91muf5gp/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">www.iocose.org/works/sunflower_seeds_on_sunflower_seeds</a><br /><br /><strong>!Mediengruppe Bitnik (CH), Chess For CCTV Operators (2010)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/660275a2a3f5c207a7dc478d14k04eza/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">bitnik.org/data/2011/chess_for_cctv_operators</a><br /><br /><strong>SWAMP (Studies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production) Douglas Easterly (NZ) | Matt Kenyon (USA) Tardigotchi (2010)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/d519f30fbd1832f0ea0d0ec3b2evrkc2/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">www.tardigotchi.com/</a><br /><br /><strong>Julian Oliver (NZ) | Danja Vasiliev (RU), Newstweek (2011)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/12522ea2e779fe46e9cb0df435cz8y2y/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">newstweek.com/star</a><br /><br /><br /> info:<a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/54bfd850146794adc85a264f7dinxc6z/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3"> www.toshare.it<br /></a><br /><br /><span style="color: #808080;">Ricevi questa mail all'indirizzo spectre@mikrolisten.de in quanto hai autorizzato Associazione The Sharing all'invio di materiale informativo.</span><br /><span style="color: #808080;">Se non desideri più ricevere comunicazioni <a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/optout/8c2f89d280bb5cd1d2bb057cdd1h34a1/a91efdde377f0084262193e23b95ztue/1834b336e13a5f78d0543f72bf6jbep9/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3"><span style="color: #808080;">modifica il consenso via web</span></a>.</span></p>
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<div id="banner"><a name="eng"></a><small>10/12/2011</small><br /> <em>Share Prize 2011 - Short List</em></div>
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<div id="pagina"><img src="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/54bfd850146794adc85a264f7dinxc6z/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3/toshare09/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/prize_news-01.jpg" alt="omm" width="570" /><br />
<div id="lingua">ENGLISH</div>
<p>Dear friends of Share Festival,<br /> <strong>Piemonte Share</strong> is announcing the short list of the <strong>Share Prize.</strong><br /><br />The Share Prize this year is focused on the theme for the 7th Share Festival, entitled <strong>Cops & Robbers</strong>.<br />The theme takes its inspiration from the use of appropriationism, activism and plagiarism in art, which today has turned fakes, mash ups and remixes into an avant-garde artistic stance that flirts with what customarily is the wrong side of the law. A theme that fits perfectly with the sort of 'networking' that, ever since its beginnings, has straddled the dialectical line between legality and illegality, between theft and giving, between openness and closure, between intellectual property and sharing, and hence between widespread participation and a position of dominance.<br /><br />Six finalists for the prize are invited to take part in the 7th Share Festival to be held in Torino from 2nd to 13th November 2011, at the Regional Museum of Natural Science, Turin.<br /><br />Now are you ready to discover the group of artists called to take part in a Share Festival?<br /><br />Some 250 projects from 20 countries were submitted for consideration for the Share Prize 2010. A jury composed by Bruce Sterling and the curator of the exhibition Simona Lodi has made a complex and thorough consideration of all the works that will compete for the coveted victory.<br /><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/dae1ed5fdc4b24af8a56ea43e3vcgz0l/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">Read the jury statement</a><br /><br />The winner of the Share Prize and the honorary mention will be announced at the Share Prize award ceremony on 2nd November, 2011 at the Regional Museum of Natural Science in Turin, 6.30 PM.<br /><br />Selected Works:<br /><br /><strong>Paolo Ciro | Alessandro Ludovico (IT), Face-to-Facebook (2011)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/11521d911427d61f560f3c8e57d017j9/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">www.face-to-facebook.net</a><br /><br /><strong>Mul Geert (NL), God's Browser (2010)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/def30e2f3b7d8ff8806a0d2039suo20/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">www.geertmul.nl/Geert_Mul/Gods_Browser.html</a><br /><br /><strong>IOCOSE (IT), Sun Flower Seeds on "Sunflower Seeeds", (2011)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/0b70982777e6f229a5f4e5ae91muf5gp/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">www.iocose.org/works/sunflower_seeds_on_sunflower_seeds</a><br /><br /><strong>!Mediengruppe Bitnik (CH), Chess For CCTV Operators (2010)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/660275a2a3f5c207a7dc478d14k04eza/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">bitnik.org/data/2011/chess_for_cctv_operators</a><br /><br /><strong>SWAMP (Studies of Work Atmosphere and Mass Production) Douglas Easterly (NZ) | Matt Kenyon (USA) Tardigotchi (2010)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/d519f30fbd1832f0ea0d0ec3b2evrkc2/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">www.tardigotchi.com/</a><br /><br /><strong>Julian Oliver (NZ) | Danja Vasiliev (RU), Newstweek (2011)</strong><br /><a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/12522ea2e779fe46e9cb0df435cz8y2y/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3">newstweek.com/star</a><br /><br /><br /> info:<a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/track/54bfd850146794adc85a264f7dinxc6z/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3"> www.toshare.it<br /></a><br /><br /><span style="color: #808080;">You are receiving this email at [%% MF_EMAILADDRESS] as The Sharing Association have authorized the sending of informative material. If you no longer wish to receive communications <a href="http://clienti.mflab.it/tools/optout/8c2f89d280bb5cd1d2bb057cdd1h34a1/a91efdde377f0084262193e23b95ztue/1834b336e13a5f78d0543f72bf6jbep9/17fe4ea3a4305655d4cec14a28rf7e3"><span style="color: #808080;">modify the consent via web.</span></a></span></p>
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