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<span class="testoGrande"><strong>TOOLKIT FESTIVAL 02</strong></span><br>
<a href="http://www.digicult.it/2012/Toolkit.asp" target="_blank" class="testoLink"> Leggi il comunicato in Italiano</a>
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<p class="testoscuro"><strong>APLUSA | SLOVENIAN EXHIBITION CENTRE - VENICE</strong></p>
<p class="testoGiusto">03-04-05 MAY 2012</p>
<p class="testoscuro"> </p>
<p align="center" class="Stile7"><img src="/images/Components/break.gif" width="450" height="10" /></p>
<p class="testoscuro"><strong>Toolkit </strong>returns to Venice with a second installment of the festival, exploring the theme of interactivity
in new media art. <strong>REACTIVE SYSTEMS, 2012</strong>’s chosen title, explores the processes that run
parallel to a tangible, final product. The intent is to showcase the developmental processes that
an artist produces during the creation of a work of art.</p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
<strong>The scientific committee made up of Domenica Quaranta, Valentina Tanni and Debora Ferrari </strong>communicate the results of the call for the 2012 edition of the <strong>Toolkit Festival,
REACTIVE SYSTEMS.</strong></p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
<strong>The selected artist are:</strong></p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
<strong>Installation section_</strong><br />
Liam Alexander (US)<br />
Marco Cecotto (IT)<br />
Mauro Ferrario (IT)<br />
Pink Flamingos (US)<br />
Joseph Knierzinger (AT)<br />
Ubikteatro (IT)<br />
Therudedisign (IT)<br />
Vjvisualoop (IT)</p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
<strong>A/V performance section_</strong><br />
Francisco Godinho (PT)<br />
JesterN (IT)<br />
Kathleen Delaney Dance Co. (IT/US)<br />
Luca Moroni//Masako Matsushita (IT)<br />
Parcodiyellowstone + dfe (IT)<br />
SapoLAB (IT)</p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
<strong>Live media section_</strong><br />
Cani Giganti (IT)<br />
Les MistonS (IT)<br />
Maesia//FAX (IT)</p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
The organizing committee of the <strong>Toolkit Festival </strong>also wants to thank all the artists who participated in the call. More than 80 requests have been sent, and this confirms the interest of the international artistic community towards this kind of festivals, which is one of the rare occasion to display such appraoches due to the fact that most of the exhibition spaces are inadequate for it.</p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
This year in particular many requests came from abroad, giving an example of the variety of the artistic scene in which the occasions for meeting and exhibitions are considered an important moment for the artists to meet an audience that grows year after year.</p>
<p class="testoscuro"> </p>
<p class="testoscuro"><img src="../../../../images/2012/feb/toolkit2.jpg" width="500" height="350" /></p>
<p class="testoscuro"> </p>
<p class="testoscuro"><strong>Festival Programme:</strong></p>
<p class="testoscuro"><strong><br />
Day #1 | May 3 ></strong><br />
Venice’s A plus A will inaugurate an exhibition of interactive installation that will be on display throughout the entire event. The selected works will create an opportunity for the public to interact directly with the works.</p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
<strong>Day #2 | May 4 ></strong><br />
The Ca’ Dolfin Palace will host a day dedicated to interactive performance. An artist collective shifts between contemporary dance and AV installation.</p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
<strong>Day #3 | May 5 ></strong><br />
Atelier Eve Ar: V Forte Marghera hosts the collective Apparati Effimeri, who will put on a stereoscopic video mapping installation on a wall mural designed by grafitti artist, Peeta. A selection of video maps curated by Claudio Sinatti will be on display throughout the evening.</p>
<p class="testoscuro"> </p>
<p class="testoscuro"><strong>Unlike the 2011 edition, REACTIVE SYSTEMS</strong> will be a traveling festival, moving to different locations that will host daily events. This choice has allowed us to identify the appropriate contexts for varied artistic expressions. Immersive environments, interactive installations, performances, dance and electronic music will be accompanied by learning opportunities, such as a workshop designed by Claudio Sinatti on contemporary techniques of video mapping, merging the study of architecture with the latest digital design techniques. <strong>The workshop will be held from May 3 - 4 at A plus A, and will conclude with an evening presentation of the works created, May 5 at Forte Marghera.</strong></p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
<strong>TOOLKIT FESTIVAL</strong> was founded with the goal of exploring the expressive horizons that existed only in a virtual sense up until a few years ago. Now, thanks to technology, artists are able to enrich the reality of bodies, places and architecture by displacing traditional concepts of the “art exhibition”. The 3-day event is an attempt to involve a whole city in a unique experience, and prove that interactivity is not just a response to stimuli but a complex system made up of ideas, people, places and a mutual exchange of energy.</p>
<p class="testoscuro"><br />
The initiative was realized with the contribution of senato degli studenti Iuav e Ca’ Foscari and with the collaboration of the <strong>AplusA | Slovenian Exhibition Centre, Eventi-Arte-Venezia, TargetDue and Comune di Venezia – Assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili e Pace.</strong></p>
<a href="http://www.toolkitfestival.com/toolkit-festival-en/" target="_blank" class="testoLink"> http://www.toolkitfestival.com</a>
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<td width="307" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div align="left"><span class="highlight">KERNEL FESTIVAL<BR>
</span><br />
Kernel Festival, in its first edition, involved more than ninety artists and professionals from all over the world, offering an opportunity for discussion and exposure for young artists interested in technological experimentation applied to contemporary art.
With the same intention, it launches an open call addressed to young talents under 35, proposing new art projects related to the areas of the Festival, giving them visibility alongside international renowned artists.
The submission of applications is accepted exclusively online through the dedicated application form for each section. The participant must correctly complete all the required fields of the form by 30/04/12.
The call is open to artists of any nationality, between the age of 18 and 35 at the deadline date of the Call. Participation of groups is allowed, indicating a group leader. At least the 50% of the group must not be over 35 at the deadline date of the call.
Participation in the competition is free.
<a href="http://www.kernelfestival.net/open-call-012/" target="_blank"><img src="../../../../images/Banners/kernel3.jpg" width="170" height="170" border="0" /></a>
<div align="left"><span class="highlight">KERNEL FESTIVAL<BR>
Kernel Festival, nella sua prima edizione, ha coinvolto più di 90 artisti e professionisti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo offrendosi come spazio di confronto e occasione di visibilità per giovani artisti impegnati nella ricerca tecnologica applicata all’arte contemporanea.
Con gli stessi presupposti, lancia nuovamente una open call con lo scopo di selezionare giovani artisti under 35 che propongano proposte artistiche innovative legate agli ambiti del festival, ai quali dare spazio e visibilità accanto ad artisti di fama internazionale.
La presentazione delle candidature avviene esclusivamente online, tramite l’apposita form, specifica per ogni sezione (vedi menù). I concorrenti devono compilare correttamente tutti i campi richiesti dalla form entro e non oltre il 30/04/12.
Il concorso è riservato ad artisti di ogni nazionalità, di età compresa tra i 18 ed i 35 anni alla data di chiusura del bando.
È ammessa la partecipazione di gruppi, indicando un capogruppo rappresentante. Almeno il 50% del gruppo non deve aver superato i 35 anni di età alla data di scadenza del bando, pena l’esclusione dell’intero gruppo.
La partecipazione al bando è gratuita.
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<strong><span class="highlight">MEDIA PARTNERSHIP</span></strong><br>
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<strong>CYNETART FESTIVAL 2012<br>
15-21 November 2012<br>
Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden </strong><br>
CYNETART is an international festival for computer based art in Dresden. The festival is the focal point of the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau. A work which has developed into a festival in Germany and internationally esteemed platform of digital culture provides a comprehensive overview of current developments in technology-based art.
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