You are welcome to assist in ANGRY<br>Two mixed male / female performances for Testing – 1 2, 1 2, 1 2<br><br>12 December 19h & 24h (duration 20 min) – Paris time <br>find your
local time (<a href=""></a>)<br><br>Online (<a href=""></a>) in the UpStage Festival (<a href=""></a>) of Cyberformance.<br>
IRL 18h30 à Kawenga (<a href=""></a>) territoires numériques, Montpellier<br><br>By : Annie Abrahams with Derek Piotr, Ursula Endlicher, Bérénice Belpaire, Laurie Bellanca, Philippe Boisnard, Gretta Louw, Antye Greie, Martina Ruhsam, Sébastien Zaegel, Christophe Alix, Simona Polvani, Pascale Barret, Julie Châteauvert, Ienke Kastelein, Suzon Fuks, Gaetan Rusquet and Igor Stromajer.<br>
<br>Streaming interface: Ivan Chabanaud <a href=""></a><br>Technical assistence: Jan de Weille<br><br>ANGRY will be the 7th and 8th performances in the frame of Angry Women: an artistic research project on remote communication and collaboration using anger as a pretext. You can also say that it is an artistic research project on female anger using webcam performances as a facilitator. Information, images, videos, texts: <a href=""></a><br>
<br>------------------------------------------<br><br>Now available <br>Archives : Images, text, video<br>of<br>Beyond (spectacle)- Episode I<br>Annie Abrahams & Igor Stromajer<br><br>Show Off Art Fair, 19 Oct 2012, Paris<br>
Curator: Madeleine Filippi<br>Readers: Marie Lavoquet, Thomas Roussel<br><br><a href=""></a><br><br>------------------------------------------<br><br>and<br>Archives : images, video, drawings, protocol<br>
<br>Huis Clos / No Exit - Beyond(spectacle) I, II & III<br>- Exposition on the New Aesthetic<br>- Newer Aesthetic<br>- The internet is not as good as it was yesterday<br><br><a href=""></a><br>
<br>Yours<br>Annie Abrahams<br>