<br>Digicult presents:<br><br clear="all">MUTAMORPHOSIS 2012: TRIBUTE TO UNCERTAINTY <br>Interview to Roberta Buiani                                                <br><br><br>From 5th to 8th December 2012 in Prague was held MutaMorphosis, an international conference organized by CIANT | International Centre for Art and New Technologies and curated by Pavel Sedlak, which has chosen “Tribute to Uncertainty” as its theme. MutaMorphosis is at its second edition, after five years from the first, a period of time that can be seen as beneficial to sum up the situation, in a conference designed for artists, scientists and cultural workers, who meet here and confront each other on the development of the investigated topics and projects completed or in progress. The core of the conference mainly covers the sphere of interrelation between artistic, scientific research and new media; in this context new ways of sharing and professional collaboration are developed.<br>
<br>Digicult's author Silvia Scaravaggi interviews Roberta Buiani, a community artist, program adviser of the Subtle Technologies Festival and professor of Science and Technology Studies, and Science Fiction Studies at York University in Canada. She also received a Ph.D. in communication and cultural studies at York University and completed a post-doctoral researcher program at the Canada Research Chair in Technoscience at Lakehead University.<br>
<br>For MutaMorphosis, she presented together with Jim Ruxton, founder and director of Subtle Technologies, a sub-theme entitled Beyond Uncertainty, one of the 21 streams of interests that will be explored during the conference. Roberta is a member of the Editorial Board of Digicult...<br>
<br>Read more: <a href="http://www.digicult.it/news/mutamorphosis-2012-tribute-to-uncertainty-interview-to-roberta-buiani/">http://www.digicult.it/news/mutamorphosis-2012-tribute-to-uncertainty-interview-to-roberta-buiani/</a><br>
<br><font size="1">_____________________________________________________________________________________________________<br><br>
Marco Mancuso<br>
Digital Art, Design & Culture<br>
Digicult Director | Critic, Curator and Professor<br>Largo Murani 4, 20133, Milan (Italy)<br>
Mob. <a value="+393408371816">+39.340.8371816</a> | Skype. Sostakovich<br>
<a href="http://www.digicult.it/" target="_blank">http://www.digicult.it</a></font><br><a href="http://www.digicult.it/digimag" target="_blank"></a><a href="http://www.marcomancuso.net/" target="_blank"></a><div style="display:inline">