<br>Digicult presents:<br><br>Digimag Journal - Issue 69 / Winter 2013<br>Call for papers: “Uncertainty Reloaded“<br>Deadline: 4 March 2013<br><br><a href="http://www.digicult.it/digimag-journal/journal-call-for-papers/">http://www.digicult.it/digimag-journal/journal-call-for-papers/</a><br>
<br>----<br><br>On December 2012, scholars, artists and scientists gathered at MutaMorphosis (Prague, Dec 6-8) to discuss a topic that has become increasingly crucial during our uncertain times: The event was entitled “Tribute to Uncertainty” – <a href="http://mutamorphosis.org/2012/">http://mutamorphosis.org/2012/</a>.<br>
<br>Surprisingly, despite the thematic focus, no definition of uncertainty
was attempted, as presenters proceeded to report their experience with
uncertain phenomena and situations. While traditional panels and <em>fora</em>
were priceless to shed precious light on the intricacies of uncertainty
(uncertainty principle, social and political uncertainty, the value of
uncertainty as a methodological tool, uncertainty in sensorial
perception, space and architecture, etc..) most crucial dialogues
unavoidably occurred outside of the traditional constraints of the
conference format. Led by similar concerns but approaching the topic
from a number of different perspectives and disciplinary viewpoints,
individuals engaged in often productive, sometimes frustrating
discussions and conversations<br><br>In acknowledging the richness that characterized this extraordinary event, this issue of Digicult Journal is interested in receiving articles, exchanges, creative collaborations, artworks, reviews, creative writings emerged from or inspired by Mutamorphosis and/or by the topics (uncertainty and its many instances/connotations) explored during the event and beyond. <br>
<br><font size="1">_____________________________________________________________________________________________________<br><br>
Marco Mancuso<br>
Digital Art, Design & Culture<br>
Digicult Director | Critic, Curator and Professor<br>Largo Murani 4, 20133, Milan (Italy)<br>
Mob. <a value="+393408371816">+39.340.8371816</a> | Skype. Sostakovich<br>
<a href="http://www.digicult.it/" target="_blank">http://www.digicult.it</a></font><br><a href="http://www.digicult.it/digimag" target="_blank"></a><a href="http://www.marcomancuso.net/" target="_blank"></a><div style="display:inline">