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Dorkbotsheffield #7<br><br>
A new DorkbotSheffield season coming up, starting with the 7th edition of Dork on<br>
Wednesday April 24th, from 7pm. at Access Space.<br>
For those new to the international phenomena Dorkbot, each meeting consists of<br>
around 3 presentations by “people doing strange things with electricity” – a purposefully<br>
loose definition for what you might call electronic or digital art. People come to dorkbot<br>
because they’re an engineer who wants to be an artist, or an artist who wants to be an<br>
engineer, are something in between, or otherwise interested. It’s free entry and beer<br>
is always available.<br>
Here’s the line-up for April 24th, talk descriptions to follow:<br>
Andrew Sorensen - The physics playroom<br>
Ella Sergeant - Synaesthetic art<br>
Martyn Eggleton - Visual Minecraft Hacking on the Raspberry Pi<br>
Plus! An exciting paper-based auction! Have a look between talks, and up the bids.<br>
All to help launch an urgent Access Space fundraising drive. If you’ve got some interesting<br>
bit of kit you have lying around, why not bring it along and add it to the auction?<br>
Pledged so far:<br>
A nanode, ethernet-enabled arduino!<br>
Your very own custom-built DronePhone!<br>
A new and exciting AlgoRave t-shirt!<br>
Raspberry Jam is also the same time and night as dorkbotsheffield this month,<br>
so we’re having an informal hangout together. They’re just down the road, upstairs<br>
in the Workstation (conference room 2), and will be doing various experiments with<br>
the Raspberry Pi, including with sensors, motors, steppers and servos. This is a bit<br>
of an experiment – we’re not sure exactly how this will work – but but feel free to<br>
move between the two events, and we will all end up in the same pub at the end.<br>
Be sure to let us know if you would like to present something at a future dorkbot!<br>
<br></div>More info: <a href="http://dorkbotsheffield.lurk.org/">http://dorkbotsheffield.lurk.org/</a><br><div><br>-- <br>All the best<br>Jake<br><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<br>
Sent from my Zero Dollar Laptop<br><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<br>Jake Harries, Digital Art Programme Manager,<br>ACCESS SPACE, 3-7 Sidney St, Sheffield, S1 4RG, UK<br>
t: +44 (0) 114 249 5522 w: <a href="http://www.access-space.org" target="_blank">www.access-space.org</a><br>Reg. Charity 1103837<br>Join our Facebook Group: <a href="http://tinyurl.com/37j7gh4" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/37j7gh4</a><br>
Follow us onTwitter: <a href="http://twitter.com/accessspace" target="_blank">http://twitter.com/accessspace</a><br>Not subscribed to our mailing list yet? <a href="http://eepurl.com/gPMwX" target="_blank">http://eepurl.com/gPMwX</a><br>