<div dir="ltr">Tonight 3 lectures at Scopesessions in Berlin @ Panke in Wedding:<br><a href="http://scopesessions.org/2013/10/04/scope-26-october-10th/">http://scopesessions.org/2013/10/04/scope-26-october-10th/</a><br><br>
<p><a href="http://pixelnoizz.de" target="_blank">David Szauder – pixelnoizz</a>: <a href="http://touch.gl">touch.gl</a> / DE/HU (20:00)</p>
<p>Budapest born and Berlin based artist David Szauder aka. pixelnoizz
mostly works with generative structures both on audiovisual -and art
He experiments also in interactive visual design and works on different
publications about experimental, audiovisual and live cinema.</p>
<p>David Szauder will present <a href="http://pixelnoizz.wordpress.com/2013/07/01/touch-gl-goes-to-pompidou/" target="_blank">touch.gl</a>,
an app to create a glitch composition using your fingers. <a href="http://glitch.gl">glitch.gl</a>
offers several glitch method options, noizes, databending, offsets for
composition from different sources, such as camera input or image files.
<a href="http://touch.gl">touch.gl</a> was recently exhibited in the Centre Pompidou (Paris, France),
during the show called DigitART organised and curated by Abdel Bounane.</p>
<p>He will also premiere the latest soon to be released 6th version of his other application <a href="http://pixelnoizz.wordpress.com/2013/08/13/glitchpatterngenerator_5-experimental-release/" target="_blank">GlitchPatternGenerator</a>. The audiencewill have the chance to play with both apps after the presentation.</p>
<p><a title="Website Jim Warrier - destroythingsbeautiful.com" href="http://destroythingsbeautiful.com" target="_blank"><br></a></p><p><a title="Website Jim Warrier - destroythingsbeautiful.com" href="http://destroythingsbeautiful.com" target="_blank">Minuek</a> / UK (21.00)</p>
<p>« destroythingsbeautiful »</p>
<p>Minuek aka Jim Warrier is an audio visual artist. He works and lives
around UK doing live visuals at various festivals and events since 2006.
He combines audio-visual performance and real-time video in node based
coding environments. We are happy to have him for a talk on the variety
of his projects: he was part of <em>Freecode Audio Visual Collective</em>, performs with the <em>Modulate Audio Visual Collective</em>, is creator at <em>Brain Wash London</em> and runs his alter ego <em>Minuek</em> with the hint “destroythingsbeautiful”.</p>
<p>For his talk he will present some insights to his work and technology approaches.</p><br><br><p><a title="Website Malte Steiner - block4.com" href="http://block4.com" target="_blank">Malte Steiner</a> / GER (22:00)</p>
<p>« open source game engines and realtime 3D for visuals »</p>
<p>Malte Steiner is media artist, sound designer and software developer.
Starting around 1983, developing his own vision of the
interdisciplinary Gesamtkunstwerk, working with, and not limited to,
film, theater, video games and interactive installations. Releases on
cassette, vinyl, CD and online. Concerts, exhibitions, and
collaborations in Europe, Asia and America. In 2011 he moved to Berlin
and opened his own media lab to work on his projects like
Notstandskomitee, Elektronengehirn, Akustikkoppler with Matthias
Schuster from Hamburg and Restlichtverstärker with Servando Barreiro,
but also mastering and remixing other artists. He organizes twice a
month the Pure Data Berlin ‘patching circle’ at Berlins well known
<p>In his talk, Steiner will show the use of open source game engines
for live visuals and interactive art pieces from the humble beginnings
in late 90s towards today. He currently develops and shares a <a href="http://block4.com/index.php?id=158">system</a>
based on the engine Panda 3D which can be programmed in Python. With the
implementation of full OSC control it can communicate with any other
data from applications, like Pure Data…</p>
<p>Get inspired!</p><br></div>