<div dir="ltr"><div><div><span class="gmail-_4n-j gmail-_3cht gmail-fsl">An online ritual of contemplation on our situation of being together while being separated.<br> <br> You are welcome for Distant Feeling(s) #4<br> December 1st, 7.30 – 7.45 pm<br> <br> If you want to join in this contemplation, you need to install the zoom application ( <span><a href="https://zoom.us/">https://zoom.us/</a></span><wbr><span class="gmail-word_break"></span>download#client_4meeting ) on your device or computer and connect from 7.25 pm to meeting no 3210554238.<br> <span><a href="https://zoom.us/j/">https://zoom.us/j/</a></span><wbr><span class="gmail-word_break"></span>3210554238<br> <br>
Distant Feeling(s) #4 is the fourth session in a series of online
webcam meetings trying to experience each other’s presence eyes closed
and no talking.<br> <br> Distant Feeling(s) #4 is the first of a
livelong yearly reconnection. An ever-changing re-enactment of our
intra-action with machines.<br> <br> Distant Feeling(s) : a project by Lisa Parra, New York, Daniel Pinheiro, Porto and Annie Abrahams, Montpellier. <br> <a href="http://bram.org/distantF/">http://bram.org/distantF/</a><br><br></span></div><span class="gmail-_4n-j gmail-_3cht gmail-fsl">Best<br></span></div><span class="gmail-_4n-j gmail-_3cht gmail-fsl">Annie, Daniel and Lisa<br></span></div>