[WOS] Fwd: [Christoph Reuss] [FKF-L] Alternativer G8-Y2K-Gipfel in Berlin 21.9.99
Stefan Merten
Fri, 13 Aug 1999 00:08:04 +0200
Das hier ist zwar vollständig off-topic, aber da auf dieser Liste wohl
einige BerlinerInnen sind...
Mit li(e)bertären Grüßen
- ------- Forwarded Message
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 22:29:56 +0200
From: Christoph Reuss <creuss@bluewin.ch>
Subject: [FKF-L] Alternativer G8-Y2K-Gipfel in Berlin 21.9.99
Message-Id: <v01530500b3d8d657e676@[]>
######### Friedens- und Konfliktforschung <FKF-L@UNI-KARLSRUHE.DE> ##########
Geschaetzte FKF-Ler:
Im Zusammenhang mit dem "Y2K-bug" bei Computern droht rund um den 1.1.2000
eine atomare Katastrophe -- durch "versehentlich" gestartete Atomraketen
und/oder durch Pannen in Atomkraftwerken (z.B. Ausfall des Kuehlsystems
bei Stromausfall). Um dies zu verhindern, fordert die Buergerinitiative
"WASH" eine atomare Sicherheitspause ("World Atomic Safety Holiday") rund
um den 1.1.2000 -- siehe Textanhang unten.
Um dieser Forderung Nachdruck zu verschaffen, soll am 21.9.99 parallel zum
G8-Y2K-Gipfel in Berlin ein "alternativer" Gipfel organisiert werden.
** Wir suchen nun jemand, der diese Organisation (Veranstaltungsraum,
** Uebernachtungs-Arrangements, PR) in Berlin uebernehmen koennte.
** InteressentInnen melden sich bitte bei Paul Swann <pswann@easynet.co.uk>
** (auf Englisch) oder bei mir <creuss@bluewin.ch>.
Danke und Gruss,
Christoph Reuss
IAC Interdisciplinary Basic Analysis on Causes of Violent Conflicts
- - --------=-----------------------=-----------------------------=-----------
Address: IAC, P.O.Box 259, CH-7007 Chur 7, Switzerland
Phone: +41/81/252 25 85 , E-Mail: creuss@bluewin.ch
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Date: Fri, 09 Jul 1999 15:38:03 -0400
>From: Mary Olson <maryo@nirs.org>
>Organization: NIRS
>Subject: Y2K WASH Press release
>We are calling for all NGO's, governments, corporations --
>all people to join the Y2K WASH Campaign. For more information,
>reply to Yumi Kikuchi yumik@awa.or.jp, Mary Olson maryo@nirs.org
>or Hayato Kitaoka hayato@kisnet.or.jp
>Press Release
>For Immediate Release July 5, 1999, Tokyo
>Citizens' Nuclear Summit launches Y2K WASH Campaign
>WASH = World Atomic Safety Holiday
>No one knows what will happen on January 1, 2000 because of the Y2K
>computer bug. Because of this uncertainty, we can not afford to take
>risks that could prove to have irreversible and catastrophic
>consequences. Potential Y2K failures are not equal: the prevention of
>nuclear hazards must be our top priority worldwide. We are calling for
>a temporary moratorium on all nuclear activities including nuclear
>reactors, nuclear fuel processing and atomic weapons alert status. We
>name this World Atomic Safety Holiday.
>We, concerned citizens of Japan, many from nuclear host communities,
>take this action after attending Y2K Citizens' Forum on July 3 at
>Bunkyo Kumin Center in Tokyo. Mary Olson, NIRS(Nuclear Information and
>Resource Service, Washington D.C.) representative on Y2K and nuclear
>power, outlined the multiple dangers from nuclear power reactors that we
>face at New Year. Y2K will challenge all 433 reactors of the world on
>the same day. Since no one knows what will happen, we launch this
>campaign to insure that safe guards are in place on that day.
>This campaign aims to include all 34 nuclear powered countries and all
>peoples since large nuclear accidents and accidental nuclear war would
>affect everyone on earth. De-alerting of nuclear warheads would ensure
>that Y2K would not start an accidental nuclear war. USA and Russian
>nuclear weapons are on hair-trigger alert even though the Cold War is
>over. De-alerting means to disable the weapons delivery systems in such
>a way that human action is required in order for launch to succeed.
>Currently, all other nuclear weapons states are in de-alert status.
>We call upon the international nuclear industry and all governments to
>support this Atomic Safety Holiday. Investment in accident prevention
>is vital to all life on earth and also economic prosperity. Highly
>radioactive assets are useless.
>Much of the risk of nuclear catastrophe is linked to uncertainty about
>electric power delivery. If electric transmission fails due to Y2K
>computer bugs, then nuclear sites are in jeopardy. Back-up power
>provided by diesel generators is not reliable and also depends on fuel
>supplies and delivery. Some diesel generators are also Y2K vulnerable.
>Atomic fuel in reactors generates so much heat that it will melt in
>hours if not actively cooled. Used fuel storage pools must also be
>cooled. A key action needed to insure a happy Atomic Safety Holiday is
>additional, reliable back-up power at all nuclear sites.
>The three campaign points are:
>* Reactor and nuclear processing facilities Holiday from December 1,
>1999 until after New Year. Each facility must show it meets Y2K
>compliance criteria with testing and verification before restart.
>* Installation of additional reliable back-up power systems, (turbines,
>fuel cells or renewable sources as appropriate for the site) and also
>certification that diesel generators are in good working order and 3
>months fuel supply, minimum.
>* De-alerting of all nuclear weapons no later than Dec 1, 1999.
>Yumi Kikuchi yumik@awa.or.jp
>Mary Olson maryo@nirs.org
>Hayato Kitaoka hayato@kisnet.or.jp
>y2k-nuclear@egroups.com has been set up to facilitate information exchange
>and campaign planning between activists who are working on the Y2K Nuclear
>Weapons De-Alerting Letter and Y2K WASH (World Atomic Safety Holiday).
>To subscribe send a blank email to:
######### Friedens- und Konfliktforschung <FKF-L@UNI-KARLSRUHE.DE> ##########
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