[wos] freie sw projekte: das werk einzelner?
Volker Grassmuck
Sat, 22 Jun 2002 16:27:10 +0200
Sandeep Krishnamurthy, Assistant Professor of E-Commerce and Marketing,
Business Administration Program, University of Washington
Cave or Community? An Empirical Examination of 100 Mature Open Source
Projects, in Firstmonday
Starting with Eric Raymond’s groundbreaking work, The Cathedral and the
Bazaar, open-source software (OSS) has commonly been regarded as work
produced by a community of developers. Yet, given the nature of software
programs, one also hears of developers with no lives that work very hard to
achieve great product results. In this paper, I sought empirical evidence that
would help us understand which is more common- the cave (i.e., lone
producer) or the community. Based on a study of the top 100 mature products
on Sourceforge, I find a few surprising things. First, most OSS programs are
developed by individuals, rather than communities. The median number of
developers in the 100 projects I looked at was 4 and the mode was 1-
numbers much lower than previous ones reported for highly successful
projects! Second, most OSS programs do not generate a lot of discussion.
Third, products with more developers tend to be viewed and downloaded more
often. Fourth, the number of developers associated with a project is unrelated
to the age of the project. Fifth, the larger the project, the smaller the percent of
project administrators.
Die Inder hamms aber auch mit der Statisterei (s.a. Rishab Ghosh). Find's im
Vorgehen an einigen Stellen unklar und im Ergebnis nicht überzeugend.
Widerspricht dem was Kalle Dalheimer, Lars Eilebrecht usw. über
Projektstrukturen gesagt haben, aber KDE und Apache hat er wohl gar nicht
dabei, weil die nicht auf Sourceforge liegen. Ein weiteres Problem: für
Zahlenjongleure ist Sourceforge natürlich ideal, aber sie reflektieren nicht, was
sie da nicht sehen.
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