[rohrpost] russian roulette - call for contribution

carlos katastrofsky carlos.katastrofsky at gmx.net
Sam Jan 7 15:18:25 CET 2006

call for contribution

"russian roulette"  
( http://aqua.subnet.at/carlos/projekte/netart/roulette/ )
  is a game that could end harful for your computer. click on a provided  
download button and get a file... but who knows which file? a picture?  
sound? a virus?

at the moment the variety in files is very poor, so please contribute a  
small file (<50k) to "russian roulette". there's no prize to win, but if  
your file is accepted your name will show up at the site as "contributing  

please send the file as attachment to: carlos.katastrofsky/at/gmx.net

thanks & all the best

c a r l o s  k a t a s t r o f s k y