[spectre] cross-posting

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck@transmediale.de
Sat, 08 Sep 2001 22:07:41 +0200 (CEST)


let's not continue these fruitless discussions; if somebody feels the need to 
keep people left on the syndicate list updated about spectre proceedings, so be 
it, even though i find it weird because, no doubt, the people who are here now 
left the syndicate list deliberately, but like others i would, most of all 
rather see some easing of the tension.

it is a pleasure to see that so many people are making the move - i have just 
subscribed marjan from slovenia as subscriber no. 90! 

i think that the purpose of this list is very clear for everybody, and it is 
also clear that we will be a bit more careful in protecting a valuable channel. 
so many people have asked over the last weeks whether it is possible to reopen a 
channel that would hold information about events in europe, as well as the 
possibility to discuss relevant issues around the field of media culture.

the best way to set the tone will be to post the kinds of things that you would 
like to see - texts, comments, announcements, reports. the way in which the 
syndicate list has developed over the last weeks is rather sad, but there are 
many reasons which need to be discussed in detail, and i would really like to 
prevent this list from getting lost in accident-exegesis too soon.

with best regards from windy berlin where the trees in the courtyard of the 
podewil - 16 japanese cherry trees planted on the occasion of the world youth 
games 1973 in the then DDR/FDJ Haus der Jungen Talente among them - are 
beginning their last week: they will be cut down to make way for a underground 
carpark - an unbelievable scam and crime of investment capital grasping another 
bit of a grown, yet 'undeveloped' urban structure.
