[spectre] Jeremy Welsh at Art Net Norway

Kunstnett Norge kunst@kunst.no
Fri, 08 Mar 2002 15:21:38 +0100

Jeremy Welsh at Art Net Norway!

Readers of the list might remember Jeremy Welsh' invitation to contribute 
to the "The International Day of Time-Specific Art" 20th february 2002, or 
20.02 2002. The project is now available at http://kunst.no/20022002/

For the few Norwegian readers:

My very best

Grethe Melby
Art Net Norway


ART NET NORWAY - official gateway to Norwegian Art on the internet
General inquiries:

kunst@kunst.no / redaksjonen@kunst.no
Postal address: Nedregt. 5, N-0551 Oslo

About Art Net Norway: http://kunst.no/artnet/
English guide to norwegian net art: http://kunst.no/netart/