[spectre] Leonardo & Leonardo Music Journal

Annick Bureaud annickb@altern.org
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 17:30:26 +0800

Electronic Music Foundation
Special Notice
September 17, 2002

In collaboration with Leonardo and MIT Press, and in celebration of 
Leonardo's 35th year of publication, we're delighted to announce that 
we are able to make available several past issues of Leonardo and 
Leonardo Music Journal. This is an extraordinary opportunity. These 
issues are an exceptional resource for understanding the development 
of electronic music and media art through the years.

Roger Malina, Executive Editor of Leonardo, writes:

"Leonardo was founded 35 years ago to champion the work of artists 
and composers involved with new technologies. Since then, we've 
published work by more than 4,000 artists, scientists, engineers and 
scholars. These were the pioneers that laid the groundwork for 
today's new media explosion.

"Today Leonardo is documenting the work of artists involved with the 
new biologies, with new materials and nanotechnologies, with art in 
zero gravity. We are pioneering new artforms appropriate to the human 
condition in the 21st century."

Specific information about these Leonardo issues is available at:


Nic Collins, Editor of Leonardo Music Journal, writes:

"Leonardo Music Journal provides a print platform for sonic artists, 
acccompanied by an audio CD that juxtaposes diverse music in a 
pleasurable package.  Within each issue's thematic rubric we strive 
to represent a broad range of stylistic voices -- academic and 
non-academic, experimental and traditional, pop and 
miles-away-from-pop -- but we are always trying to ferret out the 
unheard and underappreciated."

Specific information about these Leonardo Music Journal issues is
available at:


Electronic Music Foundation
116 North Lake Avenue
Albany NY 12206

(518)434-4110 Voice
(518)434-0308 Fax


Annick Bureaud (annickb@altern.org)
tél/fax : 33/143 20 92 23 
mobile : 33 (0)6 86 77 65 76
IDEA online/International Directory of Electronic Arts : http://nunc.com
OLATS/Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et des Techno-Sciences : http://www.olats.org