Sara Paniagua zionzion61 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 4 15:30:08 CEST 2003

                                          W O R K    I N   P R O G R E S S

                                                  at   W P ZIMMER
                                                    Gaastraat, 90
                                                 A N T W E R P E N
                                             Phone:  03 22 510 66

                 Date: friday, 6th June at 5 p.m. and sunday, 8th June at 8
                                      Max. Number of people: around 25

                                         N E V E R E N D I N G   S O N G
               is a Multimedia Performance Instalation using the New
technologhies as a
                 Researching Tool for a creative process and for a reflexive
Process on
                                              Art, Culture and Politics.

                                                Info, texts and Movie at
                             by Hacth O: Mantain the (MYTH) of the divine

                             If you need some further information you can
mail us to:
                                                 belenj30 at hotmail.com
                                               zionzion61 at hotmail.com

Dale vida a tu correo. Con MSN 8 podrás incluir fotos y textos increibles. 

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