[spectre] JavaMuseum://updates

JavaMuseum nc-agricowi at netcologne.de
Mon Jul 5 09:39:17 CEST 2004

July 2004
JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art
www.javamuseum.org <http://www.javamuseum.org>
information updates---------------------------------->

1. the last show in the framework of 3rd of Java series (2003-2004), 
will be launched and as a contribution to [R][R][F] 2004--->XP
on occasion of Biennale of Electronic Art Perth/Australia
7 September - 17 November 2004
and will include these artists ---> 
Susan Collins (UK), Nanette Wylde (USA)
Yvonne Martinsson (Sweden)
Laurie Halsey Brown (Netherlands)
Luigia Cardarelli (Italy) 
Updated shows:
2. I - Corrida - Netart from Spain
launched on occasion of Basics Festival 2004 Salzburg/Austria
www.javamuseum.org <http://www.javamuseum.org>
or directly
www.javamuseum.org/2004/spanishfeature/index.html <http://www.javamuseum.org/2004/spanishfeature/index.html>
3. Current Positions of French Netart
includes now 55 French netartists--->
latest additions -->KROK, Les 2 Douaniers
www.javamuseum.org/2002/2nd/frenchfeature/index.html <http://www.javamuseum.org/2002/2nd/frenchfeature/index.html>
4. I - Ocean - Netart from all Asia and Pacific area
launched on occasion of
New Media Art Festival 2004 Bangkok/Thailand
www.javamuseum.org/2004/asiafeature/index.html <http://www.javamuseum.org/2004/asiafeature/index.html>
Further shows----->
5. "I-Fjords" - the show of Netart from Norther Europe
launched on occasion of Electronic Art Meeting 2004 Pescara/Italy
www.javamuseum.org <http://www.javamuseum.org>
or directly
www.javamuseum.org/2004/nordicfeature/index.html <http://www.javamuseumorg/2004/nordicfeature/index.html>
I-Islands - Netart from Great Britain and Ireland
www.javamuseum.org/2003/englishfeature/index.html <http://www.javamuseum.org/2003/englishfeature/index.html>
Online since 14 October 2003
"Perspectives'03" - competition and show 2003
and the winners of JavaArtist of the Year Award 2003
on occasion and within the framework of Computer Space Festival 2003
www.javamuseum.org/2003/perspectives03/index.html <http://www.javamuseum.org/2003/perspectives03/index.html> 
"I-Highway - Netart from Canada" on
www.javamuseum.org/2003/canadafeature/index.html <http://www.javamuseumorg/2003/canadafeature/index.html>
9. "I-rivers" - Netart form German speaking countries
launched on occasion of Computer Space Festival 2003 Sofia/Bulgaria
on www.javamuseum.org/2003/germanfeature/index.html <http://www.javamuseum.org/2003/germanfeature/index.html>
"Current Positions of Italian Netart" on
www.javamuseum.org/2002/2nd/italyfeature/index.html <http://www.javamuseum.org/2002/2nd/italyfeature/index.html>
"LatinoNetarte.net" -
Netart from Latin American countries
on www.javamuseum.org/2003/latinofeature/index.html <http://www.javamuseum.org/2003/latinofeature/index.html>
and much more on
www.javamuseum.org <http://www.javamuseum.org>
All shows on JavaMuseum are open for new artists' submissions.
The respective entry forms are included in each show.
JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art
(Java=Joint Advanced Virtual Affairs)
www.javamuseum.org <http://www.javamuseum.org>
info at javamuseum.org <mailto:info at javamuseum.org>
is corporate member of [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne
- the experimental platform for netbased art -
operating from Cologne/Germany.

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