[spectre] REBEL:ART WWW 2.0

alain bieber I rebel:art alainbieber at yahoo.de
Mon Jun 28 16:43:22 CEST 2004

new :: 

rmx 2.0 ::

http://www.rebelart.net :: 

The new rebelart - www with fresh articles &
interviews (mostly german), a new forum (in english)
(http://www.rebelart.net/forum), a international 
and new columns like "source" - eBooks, videos, audios
for free download etc. 

Connect art and activism! For a global art résistance!

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* connecting art and activism
w. http://www.rebelart.net 

|| rebel:art media foundation 
|| rebel:art magazin - connecting art and activism 
|| http://www.rebelart.net
|| rebelart at yahoogroups.com
|| Check & Support: 
|| http://www.memefest.org/en
|| http://www.ecn.org/aha

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