EAF Director director at eaf.asn.au
Fri Apr 22 09:01:21 CEST 2005

18-21 MAY 2005

Lion Arts Centre, North Terrace at Morphett Street, Adelaide, South Australia

Since the early 1960s the social impact of computer technology has 
been a  dominant issue and since the early 1980s the digital 
revolution has been provoking profound changes in the way we live. 
Now, in the twenty-first century, we realize that the next frontier 
of artistic investigation is biotechnology. 
The field of biological studies is changing from a life science into 
an information science Biosemiotics, for example, is an 
interdisciplinary science that studies communication and 
signification in living systems. Biotechnologies are introducing 
complex ethical issues, such as the patenting and sale of genes from 
foreign peoples. Genetic engineering is transforming forever how 
society approaches the notion of "life."
A few contemporary artists have been responding to this change and 
are already working with transgenics, interspecies  communication, 
cloning, tissue culture and hybridization techniques to redefine the 
boundaries between the artwork and living organisms. This workshop 
will discuss the complex and fascinating relationship between biology 
and art in the larger context of related social, political, and 
ethical issues.

18 May 1:30-4:30pm
A Brief History of Art and DNA
Presentation (slides, video) and discussion
Questioning the Ideology of Biology
Participants will be asked to read before the beginning of the 
workshop the following texts: "A Reasonable Skepticism", "All in the 
Genes?", and "Causes and Their Effects" in: Richard C. Lewontin: The 
doctrine of DNA : the biology of ideology (London; New York : 
Penguin, 1993). Participants will be expected to discuss these texts.
19 May 1:30-4:30pm 
Art and Ecology Presentation (slides, video) and discussion
20 May 1:30-4:30pm
Art and Genetics Presentation (slides, video) and discussion
21 May 1:30-4:30pm
Consciousness in Non-human Animals and Plants
Screening and discussion of "Why Dogs Smile and Chimpanzees Cry".
Discussion will be based on the following texts: Thomas Nagel. "What 
is it Like to be a Bat?" in Philosophical Review October 1974, pp. 
435-450; R. H. Bradshaw. "Consciousness in Non-Human Animals: 
Adopting the Precautionary Principle" in Journal of Consciousness 
Studies Vol. 5, N. 1, 1998, pp. 108-114; Alexandra H. M. Nagel. "Are 
Plants Conscious?" Journal of Consciousness Studies Vol. 4, N. 3, 
1997, pp. 215-230; Daniel Dennett. "Animal Consciousness: What 
Matters and Why" in Social Research 62 (3), Fall 1995, pp. 691-710.

The Workshop is FREE. Travel and accommodation is at cost to the participant.
There is limited capacity.
Workshop texts will be available from the EAF and can be distributed via email.
Register your interest in attending the Workshop by Thursday 5 May 
providing contact details and brief resume:
Email:	biotech at eaf.asn.au - "Biotech Workshop"
Post:	Experimental Art Foundation, PO Box 8091, Station Arcade, 
South Australia, 5000
Fax:	+61 (0)8 8211 7323

Phone EAF Director, Melentie Pandilovski, for further details  +61 
(0)8 82117505

Eduardo Kac's residency in Australia has been made possible with the 
assistance of the South Australian Government through Arts SA's 
Artist in Residence Program.
EXPERIMENTAL ART FOUNDATION curates its exhibition program to 
represent new work that expands current debates and ideas in 
contemporary visual art. The EAF incorporates a gallery space, 
bookshop and artists studios.

Lion Arts Centre North Terrace at Morphett Street Adelaide
PO Box 8091 Station Arcade South Australia 5000
Tel: +618 8211 7505  Fax +618 8211 7323
email: eaf at eaf.asn.au  bookshop email: eafbooks at eaf.asn.au web: 
Director: Melentie Pandilovski  Administrator: Julie Lawton
Program Manager: Michael Grimm Bookshop Manager: Ken Bolton

The Experimental Art Foundation is assisted by the Commonwealth 
Government through the Australia Council, it arts funding and 
advisory body, by the South Australian Government through Arts SA, 
and through the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the 
Australian, State and Territory Governments. The EAF is proudly 

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