[spectre] Culture360 User Survey - Asia-Europe Cultural Portal

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Tue Oct 25 11:55:20 CEST 2005

From: Anjeli Narandran <Anjeli at asef.org>
To: "'Culture360User1 at asef.org'" <Culture360User1 at asef.org>
Subject: Culture360 User Survey - Features and Capabilities of the Asia-Eu
	rope Cultural Portal
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 12:17:00 +0800

>  Dear Sir/Madam,
>  The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) is currently spearheading the
>  development of Culture360 - A multi-disciplinary Asia-Europe Cultural
>  Web-portal that will serve as a one-stop source of cultural information
>  and virtual meeting space for the diverse cultural community of the two
>  regions. This portal has been in development for the last 10 months and is
>  expected to be launched in September 2006. Technical development of
>  Culture360 is being carried out in cooperation with Nanyang Technological
>  University (NTU) in Singapore. (For more information on Culture360, please
>  see Attachment)
>  The link below will lead you to an online survey on portal user habits and
>  preferences including a short section on the internet connection and
>  computer hardware that you use.
>  http://islab2.sci.ntu.edu.sg/portalsurvey/
>  We would be grateful of you would take the time to answer the survey which
>  will in turn help us provide you with the features that you find the most
>  useful.
>  Please feel free to forward this survey to any individuals whom you think
>  may benefit from Culture360 in the future. Also, kindly refrain from
>  filling in the survey more than once as this will lead to innaccurate
>  data. Rest assured that your personal details, including email address,
>  will not be disseminated to third parties. Your answers will be kept
>  anonymous and will only be used by ASEF and NTU in the development of
>  Culture360.
>  The Culture360 team thanks you in advance for your kind cooperation and
>  invites you to contact us if you would like more information and/or
>  periodic updates on Culture360's progress!
>  Best regards,
>  Anjeli Narandran
>  on behalf of
>  The Culture360 team
>  Anjeli Narandran
>  Project Executive
>  Cultural Exchange
>  Asia Europe Foundation
>  31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
>  Singapore 119595
>  t: +65 6874 9720 I f: +65 6872 1207
>  anjeli at asef.org
>  Visit the ASEF Website: www.asef.org

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