FW: [spectre] RE: Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition
Louise Desrenards
louise.desrenards at free.fr
Tue Jul 18 17:33:18 CEST 2006
Dear Patrick, dear all,
Please, may be useful to discuss in common. So I thank you to call it.
To know from my part that I am not in humanitarian objectives and
particularly and largely why:
I am AGAINST THE WAR as bare life and as concept of opposition nowadays
being the war the very exclusive representation of the power outside of
dialectic of opposite forces in presence and outside of the democracy and
republic; it means the representative war itself as terror. The time of
terror being the localized or unlocalized reply of the disarmed opponents
may be even under the form of suicides commandos or cut heads is past; yet
it can appear a provocation to the war in the advantage of the exclusive
dominion of power under the mode of the war as current meta-political terror
to govern the world in any sort.
So I do not think that one would be in danger but other. WE ARE ALL IN
1. Arts and War
From a part regarding the misalliance of the contemporary Arts as real
weapon of the thought to criticize the power in the actual time, specially
front of the emergent tentative of hegemony of Europe as post nationalism in
project that I personally disapprove, from my part trusting in federalized
diverse projects and cultures and laws but not under the hegemonic
centralized united mode as exclusive uncontestable mode:
I mean that surrealist invented themselves from the war by radically DANCING
AGAINST THE WAR with free intense creation : it is the very reference of my
participation to the debate "Bare life" tribute to documenta 12 in another
list; of which I radically disapprove not the list nor the curator who are
great but the object of the thematic from documenta 2007 command ( the first
one of the new millennium ): the reconstruction of Historical materialism
from antiquity to modernity to what to be done through the rupture of bare
life as Art concept...
I resent a revisionist and negationist vision omitting the actual power in
the three leitmotivs from Habermas-ian (?) conception of the actual society.
As if History could be still more understood from a progressive
chronological force of representative relationship to tribute the critical
society by rationalizing and dialectizing but the time as exclusive
Obviously this perspective that can be the one of Documenta 12 under the
leadership of the general manager being this famous historian since his
curate exposition "Of Government" (Luneburg, Rotterdam, Barcelona, Vienna
from 2003 to 2005) and before at Venice 2000 of what escapes the power (a
subject that could be praiseworthy but suddenly making another sense in the
actual where it reappears both collected to bare life and representative
History of modernity to tribute anthropological post nation History);
because in the context of the three leitmotivs the objective of the thematic
what escapes the power turns probably getting it out of opacity by the
rationalist way of a calling to artists. That means exactly a request to
control. Emerging from one or several curators such as Roger M. Buergel
playing the exclusive environmental apotheosis of emerging contemporary Art
of the representative documenta of the new sensitive millennium...
So the radical critical reference of Agamben becoming integrated by the
establishment under the rule of History at the depends of Agamben thought
and his dialectical abstract as title "Homo sacer: soveraign power and bare
life" turning to the one of the fate: "Homo sacer and emergent bare life" as
source of inspiration; it is the involving concept of degenerate arts by
omission of the past history of Arts by nazism, even quote the Camps as a
social fatality or "error" (of the dialectic historical materialism?)
On which installing "what to be done" can be of a good intention but real
History of the actual establishment by the established and coming to be
established, not of people establishing (for their part staying forever in
the domain of bare life or for their best representation in homo sacer) BUT
ARTISTS in the place of people (allied forces of the power by the same
process of discussing experts and bureaucracy to settle hierarchy of post
democratic power).
Something has to be revealed of the panoptical disposition to observe our
living ideas and criticisms, based on the missing curators in the debate thy
ask as silent observers; that appears really a project of laboratory to
tribute the EU hegemonic power from the part of next documenta as
established power itself.
2. What of this petition against the war which holds in hostage the
diversity of Lebanese people in Middle East?
A/ The situation
First: I do not trust in Hezbollah action; of course I disapprove the shoots
thrown to destroy houses and persons on Haifa.
But I know from which real political confusion in Palestine the Hezbollah
founds its legitimacy at the view of Islamic forces in the Middle East;
specially the detail of Palestinian current bare life by the oppression
under the effect of Israeli army and troops that dominate and order.
More being the question of prisoners and the explosive situation from the
impossible change of prisoners.
The only solution is Palestine state to Palestinian: returning freely
Palestinian to Palestine whatever their power (the dominant color of power
does not regard our citizenship at the time Palestinian diversity can be
respected by its changing elected power).
There is a topologic situation of Palestinian in the limit of Lebanese
frontiers as it was of frontiers in all the wars of independence. But have
French weapons attack Morocco or Tunisia during the war of Algeria? Have US
weapons attack all the surrounded countries of Viet Nam? From a call of
solidarity against the national resistances by an extensive occupation I am
afraid that the only established armies which ever made it in real would be
from Nazism and its allied force from EU and Japan during the second
international war.
Since several years US defense try to convince ONU and NATO for a
generalized application of this politics to the ax of evil but, at the
moment they have not been successful ( but Iraq thanks the demand of the
right of intervention )..
Why and in which name of the rights could we accept this politics from any
established representative part in the world ‹ after Nazism? Or under the
new post dialectical situation to accept the global war as current civil war
of the communities under the weapons of the power and bare life of all
social life in the world?
B/ The petition
I have received this petition from a very near young friend who is a
producer (filmmaker) leaving and working in FR but who has Lebanese friends
and both Lebanese Christians and Muslims. You know perfectly how it is
absolutely non ethic to globalize Islam regarding all the differences
between each sect or clan specially in Lebanon and Middle East since a
What to say more of all religious syncretism of one of this so old region at
the source of diverse cultures.
I have personally received no one more other petition.
What happens of the other petitions? I do not know. May be they do not exist
because the question of the permanent solidarity to Israel from the
legitimate culpability of the past whatever happens in the actual is a
permanent force of contention to move radically in the objective of stopping
the war.
Just at the moment Israel is the only established representative agent of
the war in a serious damage to a whole country front of no established but
establishing other forces. It is to call them to urgently negotiate and stop
the destroy: which is without relationship of damage and consequence with
the damage they pretend to answer by a massive attack to the vital centers
of the country.
I have personally dear friends or friends of friends both living
respectively in Israel from a part and in Lebanon from another part but
officially from Israel they cannot say nothing or approve the war, you know
it perfectly. They are hostages of their power which really put them in
danger and telling that it is to tribute them safe by the best weapons and
>From a part whatever the established state of Lebanon is purely attacked
from all parts of its territory and systems of communication and energy
nerveless it does not reply by established weapons (the contrary would mean
the global war in Middle East) front of the bomb they received.
So nothing surprising if we are specially called by Lebanon to ask Israel
stop the established offensive to Lebanese people and country.
But more there is quite a concrete difference of the people of Lebanon and
of Israel that is Israel waiting permanently the effect of the war (and
making the established war itself) is organized to have Israeli people
moving to other part of Israel of outside of Israel or going to protected
shelters specially constructed and organized. This way is not the
organization of Lebanese state and people from a part, as their objective
and meaning is not regarding the war mode of society.
Whatever the source I have to tribute stop this war from the point of view I
was personally self edified.
If you hold another petition please to send me urgently but yet now not
having received another one I have signed this present one "without regret"
(could say Zidane:)
L. radically against the contemporary war whatever the cause/ We have to
fight otherwise‹but radically against the tradition of the war whatever the
side of our membership.
I am not the conceptual object of terror, terrorism, state terrorism
whatever the sources but the real bare object as you all. I am not a
desperado of the rights. I try to argue and act to freedom of determination
because I think it is the only way to the peace (or repression?)
Dancing or the war.
------ Forwarded Message
> From: sam langford <samlangford at hotmail.com>
> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 10:52:49 +0000
> To: <spectre at mikrolisten.de>
> Subject: [spectre] RE: Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition
> no disrespect to you Louise, i agree with all you say, but what is another
> petition going to do? - in fact i've kind of wondered what happens to all of
> them...what does happen to petitions? maybe it works in a small village, but
> with isreal - seems like shouting in a wind tunnel?
> i'm sorry, i don't know what to do either
> patrick
>> From: spectre-request at mikrolisten.de
>> Reply-To: spectre at mikrolisten.de
>> To: spectre at mikrolisten.de
>> Subject: SPECTRE Digest, Vol 41, Issue 19
>> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:00:10 +0200 (CEST)
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>> than "Re: Contents of SPECTRE digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. Game/Play exhibition - UK. (marc)
>> 2. Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition (Louise Desrenards)
>> 3. A question (Louise Desrenards)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:48:03 +0100
>> From: marc <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org>
>> Subject: [spectre] Game/Play exhibition - UK.
>> To: spectre at mikrolisten.de
>> Message-ID: <44BB6AE3.9040502 at furtherfield.org>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
>> Game/Play.
>> Playful interaction and goal-oriented gaming explored through media arts
>> practice.
>> http://www.game-play.org.uk/
>> The exhibition opens at two different venues, in the UK and then joins,
>> to tour as a single touring show. Game/Play is a networked national
>> touring exhibition in the UK, focusing on the rhetorical constructs game
>> and play. This collaboration between Q Arts, Derby and HTTP Gallery,
>> London provides a basis for exchange and interaction between audiences,
>> artists, curators and writers through the exhibitions and networked
>> activity.
>> Projects fall under three main categories:-
>> installations,
>> independent video games,
>> online (networked) artworks.
>> Launch and tour-
>> Game/Play opens at two venues, HTTP galleries Q Arts.
>> HTTP Gallery, London.
>> Saturday 22 July 7pm – 9pm.
>> Unit A2, Arena Business Centre,
>> 71 Ashfield Rd, London N4 1NY
>> http://www.http.uk.net
>> Q Arts, Derby:
>> 21 July 6.30pm – 8.30pm Q Arts – Gallery
>> 35/36 Queen Street,
>> Derby, DE1 3DS
>> http://www.q-arts.co.uk
>> Game/Play Artists:
>> Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern, Jetro Lauha, Julian Oliver, Kenta Cho,
>> Mary Flanagan, Low Brow Trash, Paul Granjon, Simon Poulter, Giles
>> Askham, Jakub Dvorsky, Long Journey Home, PRU, Q Club, Furtherfield,
>> Tale of Tales.
>> Game/Play Writers:
>> Giles Askham / Jon Bird / Peter Bowcott / Javier Candeira / Rebecca
>> Cannon / Ele Carpenter, Ruth Catlow, Louise Clements, Mary Flanagan,
>> Marc Garrett, Keiron Gillen, Mark R Hancock, Martijn Hendriks, Pat Kane,
>> Ana-Marija Koljanin, Maaike Lauwaert, Corrado Morgana, Patrick Lichty,
>> Christiane Paul, Thomas Petersen, Andy Pollaine, Jonathan Willett.
>> - enjoy the Ermajello performance of Plankton at Q Arts,
>> - test drive Mary Flanagan's [giantJoystick] at HTTP,
>> - view the works and connect and collaborate with visitors in both
>> galleries in the online,
>> multiuser spaces of Furtherfield's VisitorsStudio and Endless Forest by
>> Tale of Tales.
>> Curated by Giles Askham, Marc Garrett, Ruth Catlow, Corrado Morgana &
>> Louise Clements.
>> Game/Play is funded by The Arts Council of England and Awards For All.
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:31:59 +0200
>> From: Louise Desrenards <louise.desrenards at free.fr>
>> Subject: [spectre] Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition
>> To: Spectre <spectre at mikrolisten.de>
>> Message-ID: <C0E2772F.15F79%louise.desrenards at free.fr>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
>> ATTENTION: considering the precedence of the shots of Hezbollah to Haifa,
>> knowing the dreadful context in territories occupied in Palestine, even if
>> you do not agree to send and forward the petition with the proposition of
>> information which matches it, you can sign the petition without commitment
>> of this information and send it there forward under your proper information
>> there. Each on signs respecting her/his respective opinion.
>> Here is the information :
>> Please go to http://julywar.epetitions.net and sign the Save the Lebanese
>> Civilians Petition and forward this invitation to your friends.
>> Lebanese civilians have been under the constant attack of the state of
>> Israel for several days. The State of Israel, in disregard to international
>> law and the Geneva Convention, is launching a maritime and air siege
>> targeting the entire population of the country. Innocent civilians are
>> being
>> collectively punished in Lebanon by the state of Israel in deliberate acts
>> of terrorism as described in Article 33 of the Geneva Convention.
>> http://julywar.epetitions.net
>> A.
>> ///////////////////////////////////////
>> Please sign online urgently and forward the " Save the Lebanese Civilians
>> Petition "
>> http://julywar.epetitions.net
>> Here is the text:
>> " To The Concerned Citizen of The World:
>> "Killing innocent civilians is NOT an act of self-defense. Destroying a
>> sovereign nation is NOT a measured response."
>> Lebanese civilians have been under the constant attack of the state of
>> Israel for several days. The State of Israel, in disregard to international
>> law and the Geneva Convention, is launching a maritime and air siege
>> targeting the entire population of the country. Innocent civilians are
>> being
>> collectively punished in Lebanon by the state of Israel in deliberate acts
>> of terrorism as described in Article 33 of the Geneva Convention.
>> The Lebanese people feel left out by the world that is turning a blind
>> eye
>> on the savagery of the Israeli state. Israel does not seem to be capable of
>> approaching any problem outside the realm of the military power bestowed on
>> it by the government of the United States of America and other western
>> governments.
>> We are writing you this letter in the hope that this massacre is
>> immediately stopped. It is the universal duty of each individual to defend
>> the innocents and expose the truth. The numerous civilian victims of the
>> Israeli operations are increasing by the hour. The viciousness of the
>> attacks has attained terrifying levels where a child has been cut in three
>> while another was half burned.
>> The Israeli war machine, in its blind savagery, is destroying not only
>> our
>> lives but the foundations that could help the civilians survive beyond
>> their
>> massacre. The Israeli Defense Forces are destroying in few hours what
>> Lebanon has spent years and billions of dollars to rebuild.
>> Up until now more than 100 Lebanese civilians have been killed, hundreds
>> wounded, bridges and infrastructure destroyed, refugees are leaving Beirut
>> in droves and worst of all the enforced siege might lead to a human
>> catastrophe in the next 48 hours. There must be an end to this cycle of
>> violence and continuous violation of international laws and basic ethical
>> behavior.
>> Between the blindness of the international community and the deafness of
>> the Arab one, the besieged Lebanese population has no way out.
>> Peace begins with justice "
>> Total Signatures since July 15, 2006 = 31282
>> Email Template to send to your Friends
>> After signing the petition above, copy paste the text bellow to your email
>> and send it to your friends :
>> Important Notice: The petition is not just for Lebanese, non Lebanese can
>> sign the petition too, the more people from different nationalities sign
>> the
>> petition, the better. So make sure you invite your non Lebanese friends to
>> sign the petition.
>> Please go to http://julywar.epetitions.net and sign the Save the Lebanese
>> Civilians Petition and forward this invitation to your friends.
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:42:49 +0200
>> From: Louise Desrenards <louise.desrenards at free.fr>
>> Subject: [spectre] A question
>> To: Spectre <spectre at mikrolisten.de>
>> Cc: Andreas Broeckmann <abroeck at transmediale.de>
>> Message-ID: <C0E279B9.15F84%louise.desrenards at free.fr>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>> What does it means as impact to my address, please?
>> Blacklist from lebanese petition?
>> I am afraid of what follows.
>> Thanks to tell me exactly what is means.
>> Sincerely
>> Louise
>> ------ Forwarded Message
>>> From: <"<espen"@gangvik.no>
>>> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:40:06 +0200 (CEST)
>>> To: <louise.desrenards at free.fr>
>>> Subject: Re: [spectre] Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition
>>> spectre-ohne-spam at buug.de
>>> spectre at mikrolisten.de>
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