[spectre] Recent posts on the Furtherfield Blog.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Aug 22 17:43:59 CEST 2007

Recent posts on the Furtherfield Blog.


'Lectronic Linking and Thinking, Post-Banff.
By Ruth Catlow.

Struggling home along the trolley-wobbling pavement of Green Lanes in 
North London. Dank, grey skies and chaotic, always-divergent, 
multicultural masses are in sharp contrast to the rarefied air of the 
mountains of Banff. Where friendly participants clustered around shared 
interests, to learn, exchange and muck about together. This rare 
pleasure is very sweet but probably has to be temporary, because the 
point is to make connections with difference, across distance and then 
to maintain and explore the creative potentials of those connections...No?

So I'm tearing myself away from a fizzing new group of friends on 
Facebook, all doing interesting work, to cluster three 
presentations/activities that stick in my mind from the second half of 
the conference.


how i got a tail.
By Helen Varley Jamieson.

i've always fancied the idea of a tail, and last night my dream came 
true. out with a group of artists on our ponies for a gallery crawl, i 
was secretly admiring and coveting the impressive long black swishing 
tail of one of our company, nonnatus. after some time i plucked up the 
courage to compliment him on his appendage, which it turns out he made 
himself, and he generously offered to give me one. i leapt at the 
opportunity & promptly attached it to my pelvis. (second) life is so 
much more fun with a tail. however it detaches every time i wear my 
pony, & when i dismount i have to reattach it, which is pretty annoying...


Do academics actually do anything?
By Aileen Derieg.

Calls for support have been circulating around various related mailing 
lists for several weeks now, and I hope that many, many people will sign 
the online petitions calling for the suspension of proceedings and the 
release of those imprisoned in Germany: open letter.

The charges against Andrej H. are especially outrageous and clearly pose 
a threat to the freedom of academic research and political engagement, 
and a wave of protests has responded accordingly. I wholeheartedly 
support these efforts on the basis of my own political convictions, but 
also for personal reasons.


What is the difference between performing arts and performance art in 
Second Life?
By Patrick Lichty.

To ask this question, one is actually asking two simultaneous questions. 
The first of the two is: "What are the differences between performance 
art and the performing arts", and the second being "What is the 
difference between performance art in the physical and in Second Life?" 
To draw these distictions is to make addressing the issue much more 

QUESTION 1: The Difference between Performance and Performing
(I will not even bring up the matter of the "performative")
First, the issue of performance art vs. performaing arts. This is 
primarily an issue of scope and tradition. Counter to my usual stance, I 
really like Wikipedia's blurb on the matter:

""Although performance art could be said to include relatively 
mainstream activities such as theater, dance, music, and circus-related 
things like fire breathing, juggling, and gymnastics, these are normally 
instead known as the performing arts. Performance art is a term usually 
reserved to refer to a kind of usually avant-garde or conceptual art 
which grew out of the visual arts."

mekkverk administreres av www.teks.no / teks at teks.no

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