[spectre] APO33 this summer

info at apo33.org info at apo33.org
Tue Jul 8 12:04:28 CEST 2008

Summer 08, APO33 keep going!

Events :


4th July:


Workshop on the future of free software in sound creation –
Exhibition: Unconference

Expo Brighton (sound art and experimental music festival)

How do free software and open source influence and open the creative
process as well as art practice? And vice versa? For a few years now,
free software influence has been effective through the use of
creation-dedicated tools in the field of artistic production and it
has begun to free itself from the hegemony of the largest proprietary
software firms. Through the development of free software, a new field
of concepts and principles has emerged: the logic of openness of
source code, sharing and open distribution, the possibility to
intervene on sources and in the sharing, the tasks of documenting and
spreading knowledge and experience and thus allowing re-appropriation
by others, new ways to work together or in a network, the questioning
of copyrights and the search for alternative rights.


Presentation by APO33 & A10LAB creative projects through free
software, free software 'show' for the Sound and Install Party;
debating free sofware.

more information:


14 to 17 July:


HALBOT in Bulgaria/Hungary – collaborative work of CS3 & APO33
HAL and BOT are two different sound installations on the Net; they
have respectively been developed by: CS3 (HAL) and Apo33 (BOT). They
catch the surrounding sounds and consider the sites where they have
been originated as a part of their existence: the sonic context of the
city, vehicles, passers-by, resounding walls, or as many sonic sources
that shape the sonic picture of a place.
HALBOT should be seen as a dialogue between these two projects; its 3
installations have been set up by Apo33 and CS3: in Giurgiu and
Rousse, a double installation will be built, and interconnected via
the Internet to a third one in Mons (Belgium). Our objectif will be to
look at two different ways of considering a territory and sonic forms
within similar settings of technical constraints, with some allowance
for different ways to collect the various sounds and images. This
interconnection  demands that the installation will be de-located, or
rather multi-located, as each city influences the others.
The sound installations of Mons, Giurgiu and Rousse, with their mesh
of cables and machines, somehow evoke a sculpture, a kind of
meta-installation over different spaces and times. In each city,
visitors who meet one installation will be able to imagine they hear
from another space-time: capable of mixing a nearby city across the
opposite bank of the river to another one, far away, close to another
CS3 and APO33 (CIA)

more information on: http://www.sound-delta.eu


  From 15 August to 21 September:

BIOBOT exhibit in COASTOMIZE & other Mixed Realities

Archeological museum of Velkeze (Belgium)
for the « Contemporary art in the Flanders » exhibition
a crossing between the – BOT and the Biotope observatory: a networking
installation in Nantes, Velzeke, Le Pellerin, Norfolk and London

Initiated by Apo33, BOTs make up a virtual community in the
continuation of the « Poulpe » project, creating a series of entities
grafted on specific locations in order to complement them. BOTs
introduce a new approach to the digital world: networks, immobile
multi-geolocation, inter-connection of data produced or transformed
on-line, automation of processes on reality and – particularly in the
case of BOTs – an exploration of an experimentative site always
accessible on-line from anywhere.

'L'observatoire biotope' is a laboratory aiming at experimenting in
different ways on a territory, by considering various milieux and
looking at different interactions and phenomena related to the Bios.
This transdisciplinary laboratory is open to all public, it brings
together researchers and creators from various sites via the Net. All
the collected data and the results of the experiments will be recorded
on various forms of back up to be freely consulted through different
media (web-site, print, videos...).

more information:







APO33 keeps on investigating the web-radio issue.



Radioact is a web-radio introducing to the public at large: sonic
creations or works of various artists interested by different themes
or concepts. Many points of view from many angles. Various radio
creations to be diffused in a continuous flow or in specific
broadcasts. Radioact as a web-radio is fully integrated in the
evolution of to-day's radio. To-day, sounds, sonic pieces, can be
kept, recorded, archived, or be chosen and shared in a small or large



The 'POULPE' (octopus) is an analog and digital organism that lives in
a network. Each 'tentacle' is made up of a sonic inbstallation located
in a place where it collects the sound effects of its context and send
them on to a local digital automaton that transforms them before the
outcome is distributed  simultaneously to a series of local loud
speakers and to the Internet, through streaming.
The 'POULPE' is established in a public space. It constitutes the
virtual body of the city, expressing through sounds the city's
invisible movements, all its flows... The 'POULPE'  spreads its
tentacles to  connect ever different contexts that exchange sonic
flows via the Internet, continuous sonic flows that infiltrate and
modify the environment.

The 'POULPE' in Nantes : http://radio2.apo33.org:8000/poulpe_nantes.ogg.m3u



Radio for a transition of movements and displacements, catching as you
can and then disappearing to show again a bit further!
Experimentating Tranzion in 06/2008 :
As I draw sinusoidal forms, I invente a new way to listen to
background or active music. Constructing paradoxical entities,
alternatively calm and tense, I confront an actual stage presence in
this automatic music, some delay and something vague in its race to
nothingness. A first sketch with oscillators, delays and samplers?
This month, I try to build a synthetic automaton (no sonic source) to
develop a listening position in the auditor's space. Shall I be the
first auditor? I experiment and adapt the result to my own, intimate,
private (?) space. And expand it to yours ?  (Julien Ottavi)



Initiated by Apo33, BOTs make up a virtual community in the
continuation of the POULPE project, to create a series of entities
grafted on to one location to spread further on to many more places.
The BOT is a new approach to digital phenonmena: the Net, immobile
multi-geolocation, inter-connection of data produced or treated
on-line, action on reality through the automaton and - especially for
the BOT – an always accessible site for experimentation, from
anywhere.  BOT is an excrescence of reality. « There are so many
stories on these man-machines ; man tends to multiply and machines
stand halfway between us and immortality ». In BOTs, there is a kind
of game that involves time, infinity ; BOTs play with places and our
present, they catch and chew moments – points in time - and transform
them ; and there is in them an essential quality that transcends
matter... Via their various sensors (audio, data, video...), BOTs
collect information and they process it in different ways, by the BOT
network (through on line transmission of digital data) and by the
persons who participate in conceiving and programming them.

APOBOT (Nantes) : http://radio2.apo33.org:8000/apobot.ogg.m3u
A10BOT (London) : http://www.a10lab.info:8000/a10bot.ogg.m3u
BIOBOT (Pellerin) :

soon : biobot of Norfolk, Velzeke...etc



1st to 20 August:

Exploring the inaudible this summer in Norfolk: recording and
collecting hydrophonic sounds, or the noise of ants, bats and VLF...
These recordings are available on the http://fibrr.apo33.org site, in
the « open recording » section

Next FIBRR concert:

-25 July - 19h30 @ Area10 - London
Nigel Wright
The radio Active Ensemble
Julien Ottavi
Cheap Machines
and more!!!

+ info on www.apo33.org : fibrr records


New CDs :

BOT « realRXtrack » (FIBRR010)::::::::::octobre 2008

collaboration  with Erratum & 23Five) - TBC

APO33 is supported by Mairie de Nantes, the Conseil Général de Loire
Atlantique and the DRAC Pays de la Loire

info at apo33.org

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