[spectre] (kein Betreff)

streu-gut at gmx.de streu-gut at gmx.de
Sun Nov 23 14:07:50 CET 2008

 +++ parapeace +++ presents:

 + kelmo kameleinen shows his latest microsculptures
    on www. parapeace.de +++ you will find the works 
    at the end of the page +++ www.parapeace.de
 + titles:  hommage R.M.R.
              special feature: behind the scenes

 + all of kameleinens works are somhow about tribute/hommage/requiem

    in these cases the three microsculptures respond to D.H. Lawrence, Rainer Maria Rilke and
    Henry Miller. But see for yourself !

    link it if you like it !!!

    best regards +++  www.parapeace.de
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