[spectre] Workshop Seminar INTERACTIVOS? process as paradigm at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

Monica Bello Bugallo monica at laboralcentrodearte.org
Wed Apr 7 14:09:18 CEST 2010

      Workshop Seminar INTERACTIVOS? process as paradigm

      at LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón (Spain)

A collaboration of LABoral and Medialab-Prado of Area of Arts of Madrid 
City Council

DATES OF WORKSHOP: 8th to 20th of April 2010, from 10.30 am to 20 pm
SEMINARS: Thursday and Friday 8^th and 9^th , 15^th and 16^th , and 
Tuesday 20^th of April, from 10.30 am
PARTICIPATION: the participation is free, registration is not neccesary

Interactivos? are hybrids between a production workshop, a seminar and a 
showcase. A space for reflection, research, and collaborative work is 
created, in which proposals selected by an international open call are 
developed, completed and displayed. *Interactivos? *is a research and 
production platform for the creative and educational uses of technology. 
The process is open to the public from beginning to end.

The seven selected proposals in a international call will be developed 
by the authors and collaborators during the workshop prior to the 
opening of the exhibition Process as Paradigm, on April 23rd 2010. The 
projects will become part of the exhibition. This exhibition, curated by 
Susanne Jaschko and Lucas Evers, reveals a huge shift from a culture 
based on the concept of manifestation and the final product (industrial 
society) to a culture of process. The Interactivos? workshop leading up 
to the exhibition is devoted to the production of artworks which follow 
the thesis of the exhibition.

Selected projects: /Driven By/ by André Gonçalves, /Everything is under 
control/ by Tommaso Lanza and Cathrine Kramer, /FrankenFoodCart /by 
Zackery Denfeld/, Scan-it /by María Castellanos and Alberto Valverde, 
/Photographic spatial experiment/ by Boris Oicherman, /Practice Mapping/ 
by Marco Quaggiotto and Wouter Van den Broeck and /Territoris Oblidats 
/by Inês Salpico/./

Check the projects and the full programme at 
_www.laboralcentrodearte.org <http://www.laboralcentrodearte.org/>_

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