[spectre] Lampsacus @emergencias2012 @fábrica asa, 16jun-2set

astronaut at s373.net astronaut at s373.net
Wed Jun 13 22:21:21 CEST 2012

>>>> Lampsacus
>>>>      Emergências 2012 http://emergencias2012.net           
>>>> Emergências 2012
>>>> collective exhibition 
>>>> curated by Marta de Menezes 
>>>> for Guimarães Capital da Cultura 
>>>> 16 jun - 2 set 2012
>>>> Fábrica Asa
>>>> artists: André Sier, Arcangel Constantini, Brian Mackern, Chris Salter, Daniel Palacios, 
>>>> Eva y Franco Mattes, Gustavo Romano, Joan Leandre, John Klima, John Simon, Maria 
>>>> Manuela Lopes, Marta de Menezes e José Pedro Sousa, Mike Thompson, NETescopio 
>>>> WEBART Collection, Peter Flemming, Roman Kirschner, Shawn Brixey, Tagny Duff, 
>>>> Yann Marussich.
>>>> Lampsacus
>>>> André Sier (2012)
>>>> Lampsacus é uma cidade jogável. Um ambiente visual interactivo onde se recria uma cidade virtual, modificável, habitada pelos seus visitantes humanos, no espaço da instalação, bem como por agentes computacionais residentes no espaço tridimensional. Este ambiente distribui-se em diferentes pontos de vista jogáveis sobre o espaço da cidade virtual, os quais as pessoas podem activar e navegar executando movimentos em frente da projecção. Os dados de movimento, a diferença contínua entre as imagens comunica interacções entre os parâmetros obtidos através de visão por computador e elementos da simulação tridimensional que são gerados dinamicamente. A cidade cresce, expande-se, contrai, edifica e reconstrói novas geometrias, abre novos terrenos baldios, vai respirando com os movimentos das pessoas.
>>>> Lampsacus is a playable city. An interactive visual environment where a virtual city is recreated, modifiable, inhabited by its human visitors, at the installation space, as well as computational resident agents in the three dimensional space. This environment is distributed in several playable points of view over the space of the virtual city which people can activate and navigate executing movements in front of the projection. The movement data, the continual difference between the images communicates interaction between the parameters obtained through computer vision and elements of the three dimensional simulation which are dynamically generated. The city grows, expands, contracts, edifies and rebuilds new geometries, opens vacant terrains, breathes with the motion of the people.
>>>> Lampsacus. Greek city topologies of the unknown meet a vision of the free internet, the city of fluxes.
>>>> hardware: custom built computers, ir sensitive webcams, speakers and microphones, video projectors
>>>> software: custom av code built in c++ on openframeworks
>>>> more about Lampsacus: 
>>>> http://emergencias2012.net/pt/works/lampsacus/
>>>> http://s373.net/continuum/2012/03/30/lampsacus-residence-um/
>>>> on the opening, 16th june, besides installing Lampsacus, André Sier will also make the real time audio for Yann Marussich’s Bleu Remix performance. A special program will analyse Yann's movements and build musical lines from body sounds organized by Yann Marussich, orchestrated live by André Sier.
>>>> André Sier | June 10, 2012 at 1:07 pm | Tags: emergencias2012, Lampsacus,openframeworks | Categories: code, x, zero | URL: http://wp.me/pEOe7-n0
>>>> Comment	   See all comments
>>> --
>>> André Sier   /////   artista-programador @ http://s373.net/planalto/de/agenciamento/maquinico  /////  blog : http://s373.net/continuum  /////  email : as at s373.net  /////  skype: andre-sier  /////  http://s373.net  /////  planalto de agenciamento maquínico  /////

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