[spectre] DAC09 - The First LEA Special Issue Is Out

Lanfranco Aceti lanfranco.aceti at gmail.com
Thu May 3 18:08:24 CEST 2012

DAC09: After Media: Embodiment and Context, Leonardo Electronic
Almanac, Volume 17 Issue 2

ISBN: 978-1906897-16-1
ISSN: 1071-4391
Link: http://www.leoalmanac.org/vol17-no2-dac09-after-media-embodiment-and-context/

>From Technological Queers to Game Based Pedagogy: The Best of
Contemporary Interdisciplinary Research in Digital Art Culture and

As Editor in Chief of the Leonardo Electronic Almanac, I am very happy
to present the first of the LEA Special Volumes done in collaboration
with Prof. Simon Penny. DAC09: After Media: Embodiment and Context was
generated from the conference by the same name that Prof. Penny
chaired at the end of 2009.

The collaboration with Prof. Simon Penny has offered the opportunity
to create a special volume that collates the contemporary developments
in the fields of new media and digital art culture.

I am very grateful to the authors in this volume who will provide the
reader with an insight in current research and possible future
developments in contemporary interdisciplinary fields. DAC09: After
Media: Embodiment and Contextis a seminal volume that introduces
innovative perspectives and presents new conceptualizations and
artistic approaches.

Volume Editors: Lanfranco Aceti and Simon Penny.
Contributors: Stephanie Boluk, Mauro Carassai, Kenny Chow, Sharon
Daniel, Kristen Galvin, D. Fox Harrell, Sneha Veeragoudar Harrell,
Garnet Hertz, Ji-hoon Felix Kim, Patrick LeMieux, Elisabeth Losh, Mark
Marino, Michael Mateas, Chandler B. McWilliams, Carrie Noland, Anne
Sullivan, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Jichen Zhu.

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