[spectre] Audiovisual Programming: Mapping and Visualization (seminar, Barcelona 18-20.05.2012)

l'ull cec info at lullcec.org
Wed May 9 07:23:29 CEST 2012


(by Fredrik Olofsson)

This seminar will investigate the built-in graphical features of 
SuperCollider and how to use these artistically in combination with the 
sound synthesis server. We will use simple sounds and simple graphics to 
explore the endless possibilities of audiovisual mapping and sound 
visualization. The aim is to combine shapes, colours, paths and pixels 
with oscillators, control signals, wavetables and spectrums. At the end 
of the course we will have programmed a few unique audiovisual 
instruments and connected sound generating code to drawing routines. We 
will also play with drawing time and frequency domain representations of 
audio and looked at generating static images by plotting waveforms in 
non-realtime. We will code sounds that look good as well as code 
graphics that sound well.

Level: intermediate (presumes some basic SuperCollider knowledge)

Language: English

Friday 20.04.2012, 18:00-22.00h.
Saturday 21.04.2012, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h
Sunday 22.04.2012, 11:00–14:00h, 16:00-19:00h

Location: Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació. Sant Adrià, 20. Barcelona. 
Metro Sant Andreu.

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