[spectre] Monthly Barcelona SuperCollider users' meeting #02

l'ull cec info at lullcec.org
Tue May 29 04:17:48 CEST 2012


Gerard Roma will present the current state of SuperColliderAU, an 
AudioUnit wrapper that allows the embedding of a SuperCollider server in 
an AudioUnit host. The servers can then be controlled through 
OpenSoundControl, using SClang for example, or be packaged together with 
a synth definition and distributed as a standalone plugin.

Martin Hug will demonstrate his wireless sensor platform and how to read 
data from these sensors with SuperCollider.

Tuesday 29.05.2012, 19:00h
Fabra i Coats. Sant Adrià, 20. Barcelona. Sant Andreu.
Free admission

http://lullcec.org/en/2012/lectures/trobada-dusuaris-de-supercollider-02/ ]



18-20.06.2012 3-Day Seminar on Spatialization with Wave Field Synthesis 
(imparted by Arthur Sauer and Wouter Snoei)
18-20.06.2012 Wave Field Synthesis: lectures and spatialization concerts..
13.06.2012 Workshop: Dirty Electronics [ http://dirtyelectronics.org ] TBA
13.06.2012 Pablo Rega / Dirty Electronics  [ 
http://pablorega.blogspot.com.es/ ] TBA
21-29.06.2012 Residency #03: Morten Olsen + Rubén Patiño
2?.06.2012 Tetsuya Umeda [ http://siranami.com ] TBA
29.06.2012 Concert: Patterns in a Rudimentary Field (M.Olsen + Rubén 
Patiño) / Arnau Sala


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