[spectre] KOBA School of Wickedfabrics

Plusea hannah at plusea.at
Wed Apr 25 10:08:45 CEST 2018

KOBA School of Wickedfabrics

For the last 6 months KOBAKANT have been running KOBA, e-textile tailorshop in Berlin, Germany. During this time we’ve been refining our skills in some of the most basic techniques like making hard-soft connections and detachable parts. But we have also been confronted with learning bespoke tailoring skills in taking a customer’s ideas from concept to robust artifact.
We are planning to hold KOBA school of Wickedfabrics in August 2018.
The KOBA School of Wicked Fabrics is intended as a time and place for us to formalize these skills and pass them on to a small group of students.We’re planning two separate weeks of school: A FOUNDATION week for absolute e-textile beginners which will introduce you to all the skills you need to get started. A TAILORING week for professionals from diverse backgrounds who want to learn to develop e-textile garments from scratch to fitting. Both weeks will include a mix of hands-on tutorials and free working time.
See details  >> http://www.kobakant.at/KOBA/koba-school-of-wickedfabrics/ 

Wicked Foundations

August 6th-11th, 2018 
at KOBA, Görlitzer Strasse 72 10997 Berlin, Germany

This course will start with introductions to e-textile materials, basic electronics and programming. Participants will learn how to build textile sensors and actuators, how to interface them with microcontrollers/computers, how to plan electronic circuits and build these with e-textile materials.
The course will start with 3.5 days of hands-on workshops, followed by 2 days of project development time where participants are challenged to apply their learned skills in a focussed e-textile project. 

Wicked Tailoring

August 20th - 25th 2018 
at KOBA, Görlitzer Strasse 72 10997 Berlin, Germany

This course will walk you through the process of tailoring one e-textile garment, from concept to design, to interaction design to planning circuitry, sensors, actuators and programming the behavior of the garment. Each day will start with hands-on tutorials in the mornings and time to apply these skills in the afternoons. Throughout the course of the week, each participant will construct their own e-textile garment, including time for debugging, to make sure it really works:-)

 Please fee l free to further forward the information.


Mika and Hannah (KOBAKANT)


E-Textile Tailor Shop for Wearable Technology
Görlitzer Strasse 72, 10997 Berlin
Fri & Sa 13-18:00
www.kobakant.at/KOBA <http://www.kobakant.at/KOBA>

Follow us
>> Twitter <https://twitter.com/KOBAKANT>
>> Diaspora <https://diasp.org/tags/koba>
>> Flickr <https://www.flickr.com/groups/4027026@N25/pool/>
>> YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxMxstrongORY0EWZUJiUWTw4-1ARSWygIsVx>

http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?page_id=2468 <http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/?page_id=2468>
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