[spectre] New podcast: Conversation with Colombian performer and choreographer Maria José Arjona

Radio Web MACBA rwm2008 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 10:39:08 CET 2023

New podcast: Conversation with performer and choreographer Maria José Arjona
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-364-maria-jose-arjona> (0nly
available in Spanish)

In this podcast, Colombian performer and choreographer Maria José Arjona looks
forward and back, mapping out an invisible chart of processes, actions, and
desires, connecting her solo work and her need collapse the politics of
time with other artists, by subverting institutional time: What happens to
a performance and a performer if their work involves spending eight hours
in a museum?

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-364-maria-jose-arjona

With a career spanning several decades of practice and exchanges under her
belt, Maria José Arjona uses durational performance to explore a body
suspended on the brink of the abyss in an affirmative way. Her repertoire
of gestures is part of a large archive that is always moving and changing,
often influenced by the history of performance, but always alive. An
archive that is renewed with each action, each substance, each journey,
each organism, each human or non-human being. In her work, duration—that
is, the time of the performance—becomes the time of the artist’s body. And
this time runs through everything. In the same way, life runs through
matter, it overspills the boundaries of choreography and of any heterodox
vision of reality, it overspills conventional ways of being in the art

In her journeys and her early morning walks, things find her. Then, they
sometimes become oracles, infinite translations of other things, signs of a
time to come. And in her becoming-animal, to borrow from Deleuze, Arjona
recognises herself in a pack of wolves, in the mutualism of crows, and in
the migratory eagles that travel with her, north to south and south to
north, finding her, again and again, in her projects. Often to protect her,
sometimes as symbols with which to elude boundaries and fixed identities.



Take care
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