[spectre] Art & Writing

Séamas Cain seamascain at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 19:30:17 CET 2023



Before Christmas, I received an end-of-year card from Catherine Mehrl
Bennett and John M. Bennett, dated 8 December 2022.  (John M. Bennett was
the founding curator of THE AVANT WRITING COLLECTION at Ohio State
University.)  The card presented a beautiful serigraph of The Peace Palace
Library at The Hague in The Netherlands.  As big and expansive as it is,
The Peace Palace is shown as nestled amongst a gentle filigree of a forest
of trees.  On the back of the card John M. had circled the words “The Peace
Palace” and Cathy had enclosed a small chapbook of poems in the envelope.
How very interesting! I said to myself.

After Christmas, and after my birthday, I visited The South Burlington
Public Library, where I checked the OCLC WorldCat to see the progress of
several of my recent books.  I was truly amazed to discover that The Peace
Palace Library at The Hague had cataloged and shelved my book “SWEET YEARS
OF PROTEST.”  John M. and Cathy knew this before I did!

The Peace Palace Library was funded and created by Andrew Carnegie, who at
his own expense built hundreds of libraries throughout a number of
countries.  The Peace Palace Library, however, is the largest and most
beautiful of these libraries.

My book, “SWEET YEARS OF PROTEST,” challenges the Left as well as the Right
and the Center.  It is my intention to comfort the afflicted and afflict
the comfortable.  So, there at The Hague, amongst the volumes and the
documents of war-crimes and atrocities, and the evidence of the failures of
peace-treaties and peace-negotiations, I am pleased that there was enough
space for *one* additional book containing the actual words of *one*
Gandhian activist!



Séamas Cain


Many libraries across the world are not affiliated with the OCLC or
WorldCat, which are based in the U.S.  Please *do* searches on my name as
author or the title of the book,  “Sweet Years of Protest,” in the
catalogues of the following libraries ...

1.)  The International Institute of Social History (IISH) in Amsterdam,
Holland ...



2.)  The Swiss Social Archive in Zürich, Switzerland ...


3.)  The Library/Archive of The Workers' Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark ...


4.)  https://www.cira.ch/


Etc., etc.



I am pleased to report that Special Collections at the Savannah College of
Art and Design [SCAD] have added to their collections an artist book by
Séamas Cain, “PALABRAS CELTAS; PALABRAS AL VIENTO.”  They also acquired my
anthology “THE MOUNTAINS OF MOURNE.”  Both campuses of SCAD, the campus in
Atlanta and the campus in Savannah, after many years of dedication and hard
work, now insist that they have the largest archive collection of artist
books in the United States.


Séamas Cain


“MOLLY'S TAPESTRY,” by John McGreal

ISBN:  978-1-8031-3076-7

2022 marked the Centennial of the first
publication of “ULYSSES” by James Joyce.

2022 was also the Centennial of the first
publication of the poem “PANOWA” by the Polish
Futurist poet Jan Miller, who elevated marks
of punctuation to the level of an aesthetic object.

2022 was also the Bicentennial of the
breakthrough in the decipherment of the
ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in 1822.

John McGreal's “MOLLY'S TAPESTRY,” interweaves these Centennial moments in
a series of probing and lyrical meditations, exploring the issues and
problems in the arts today, and the relation of theory and practice in art,
which is often comparable to that in science.

This is the most thoughtful beautiful book I have read in a number of years!


I am pleased to recommend
*ALL* of the books and chapbooks published by The
Luna Bisonte Press.  It is a very impressive book-list!
The works that are included are experimental, creative,
innovative, avantgarde, and wondrous.



Peaceful regards,

Séamas Cain,
South Burlington,
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