[spectre] LASER PARIS March 30th - Planetary Portraits

Annick2 anikburo at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 10:15:32 CET 2023

*Rencontre LASER Paris: **"Planetary Portraits"*


*Thursday March 30th 2023*

*Cité internationale des arts*

*18 rue de l'Hôtel de Ville*

*75004 Paris*

19h00 - 21h30




*with **Lily Hibbert , Alice Le Gall , Dominique Genty , 
Guillemette Legrand*

*Free admission**registration required *


We start on time!

*/LASER Paris takes place in French /*

*PopUp*Exhibition by Lily Hibberd, series /Venus///

*Drinks and snacks*after the presentations

Audience *announcements* during the break (with registration)


*> **Lily Hibberd, *Artist (Australia - France) // *"**La planète Vénus - à sonder, à rêver, à connaître" (Venus: 
probing, dreaming, knowing)*//

What we call the evening star is a planet. A planet that 
rotates in the opposite direction to all the others in our 
solar system and on which we find many volcanoes bearing the 
names of women since in 1979 the international astronomical 
union decided to name the topographical features of Venus 
after historical figures or feminine mythology.

Venus is central to the creation mythologies of nearly every 
known civilization on our planet. Venus was also the limit 
of the initial space missions. It was found to resemble 
Earth, not only in size, but also in composition and shape. 
These are some of the reasons why it is popularized as our 
"sister" planet although we could not live there.

Since 2021, Lily Hibberd has explored more than 100 sites on 
the surface of Venus, and the history of their female 
counterparts, through painted scenes. These eerily detailed 
landscapes are inspired by images known as synthetic 
aperture radar (SAR) taken by NASA's Mariner 10 and 
Messenger spacecraft in 1974 and 2007.

In this LASER Paris Meeting, Lily Hibberd invites us to an 
encounter with Venus in this double dimension: our twin 
planet which could teach us things about the Earth and about 
ourselves and a strange world populated by women.

        >Alice Le Gall, planetologist, researcher at the
        University Versailles Saint-Quentin, at the LATMOS -
        Laboratoire ATmosphères et Observations Spatiales
        (Laboratory for Space Observations and Atmospheres)
        //"Titan démasqué : Portrait d’un satellite sous les
        brumes" (Titan unmasked: Portrait of a satellite
        through the mist)

Titan seems straight out of a science fiction novel with its 
clouds of methane and its lakes of hydrocarbons.

Initiated in 1988 from projects dating back to 1982, the 
Cassini-Huyghens mission, launched in 1997, saw the Cassini 
orbiter arrive around Titan in 2004 and the Huygens lander 
land in 2005. The mission, completed in 2017, opened a 
window on this celestial body which allowed a set of 
discoveries and knowledge but also the emergence of many 
other questions.

Alice Le Gall will lift the veil of Titan for us. Saturn's 
largest moon, it is the only satellite in the solar system 
to have a dense atmosphere. Under a thick envelope of mist 
and at a temperature of -180°C, the surface of Titan, 
revealed by RADAR, is home to giant dunes, hydrocarbon 
lakes, mountains and rivers.

The landscapes of this frozen world are strangely familiar 
and raise questions about our origins and the possibility of 
a life elsewhere.

*>**Dominique Genty**, *geologist, paleoclimatologist, 
Research Director at the CNRS, EPOC laboratory, University 
of Bordeaux // *"Spéléothèmes : archives des climats passés 
et outil de datation des cultures préhistoriques" 
(Speleothems: archives of past climates and tool for dating 
prehistorical cultures"**//*

Drop by drop, limestone concretions grow at the bottom of 
the caves. Layer after layer, they capture, even more 
acuratly than the glaciers, the traces and the history of 
the planet, its climate, the activity of those who populated 
it, human and non-human.

Major climatic cycles of the order of 100,000 years, rapid 
millennial climate variations, abrupt events, the study of 
speleothems can thus reveal in a spectacular way the 
evolution of the climate of the past millennia, making it 
possible to inform the present as well as provide a precise 
dating of the occupation of the Grotte Chauvet or other 
prehistoric sites.

Through a few examples, Dominique Genty invites us on a 
journey where he will show how information is extracted from 
speleothems, making it possible to reconstruct the evolution 
of the climate with great temporal precision, then the 
archaeological interest of these objects which have made it 
possible to date , for example, the oldest known 
construction in the world, before addressing the aesthetic 
aspect of these scientific objects, available in 
high-resolution photographs, cyanotypes and daguerreotypes.

*>**Guillemette Legrand**, *designer et artiste (Germany - France) // *"Remaillages 
planétaires et interpolations cosmologiques : les limites et 
les possibles de la représentation du climat" (**Planetary remeshings and cosmological interpolations: the 
limits and possibilities of climate representation)*

The "Blue Marble", image of the Earth photographed in 1972 
by the crew of the Apollo 17 Mission, has turned red in the 
IPCC models.

In this new research project, Guillemette Legrand questions 
the limitations of describing the Earth as a system and of 
volumetric modeling as the only possibilities for dealing 
with the climate crisis.

It explores the conflicting realities of the Earth as a 
biochemical substrate, its simulation and the world(s) that 
emerge(s) from it by mobilizing the technological apparatus 
that detects and models the Earth.

Her hypothesis is that by using the cosmogram (a description 
of a cosmology) as a research tool, it is possible both to 
examine the technological system as it exists and also to 
recompose a new theory and practice of climatic 
representation. The project seeks to create a space in which 
other disciplines can intervene, other scales can be created 
and multiple representations can co-exist.

Through a technical and conceptual narration of this 
algorithmic process, this presentation questions what is 
created, deformed and lost and speculates on other ways of 
thinking about planetary remeshing through an artistic 

> *Moderator :* Annick Bureaud

> *Drinks and snacks* after the presentations

>  Audience *announcements* during the break (with registration)

Programme created by Leonardo/ISAST (www.leonardo.info), 
LASER (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendez-vous, 
www.leonardo.info/laser) is a sharing of experiences around 
art-science projects in semi-formal meetings, outside the 
institutional framework.

LASER Paris of March 30th 2023 is organised by 
*Leonardo/Olats* in partnership with the *Cité 
internationale des arts* and *La Diagonale Paris-Saclay.*

LASER Paris"Planetary Portraits" is part of 
/More-Than-Planet/ project, an international cooperation 
project between Stichting Waag Society (NL), lead partner, 
Zavod Projekt Atol (SI), Ars Electronica (AT), Digital Art 
International ART2M (FR), Northern Photographic Centre (FI) 
and Leonardo/Olats (FR). Co-funded by the European Union.







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