[rohrpost] News & upcoming Projects 08/09-2007 / Camp Festival, Riverine in Bremen, Köpenick, Amsterdam, Rome Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Illustrative Berlin

PHILIPP GEIST pg at p-geist.de
Don Aug 9 18:22:46 CEST 2007



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News & upcoming Projects - August / September 2007

13 - 19. August 2007

Stuttgart - Camp Festival

Öffentliche Performances /
public performances

18. und 19. August / 18 + 19 august

Beginn / show starts:
jeweils 21 Uhr / 9 pm

_ masayuki akamatsu, japan, sound
_ ricardo caballero, mexico, sound
_ fried dähn, germany, electric cello
_ friedrich förster, germany, visuals
_ anja füsti, germany, percussion
_ philpp geist, germany, visuals
_ paul hubweber, germany, trombone
_ kasumi, usa, visuals & sound
_ tobias kirstein, denmark, sound
_ mark l. kysela, germany, sound
_ thomas maos, germany, electric guitar
_ vj oxygen, netherlands, visuals
_ solu, finland, visuals
_ sabine weissinger, germany, visuals

Das internationale Festival CAMP (Creative Arts and Music Project) ist eine innovative Plattform und ein interaktives Forschungslabor für Klangkünstler und Musiker sowie Künstler aus den Bereichen Video, Installation, Projektion und neue Medien. Es ist gekennzeichnet durch neue, experimentelle und elektronische Musik in der Konvergenz mit visuellen Darstellungsformen. In einem - Labor auf Zeit - erarbeiten die Künstler audio-visuelle Projekte, die in den abschließend stattfindenden Konzerten, Installationen und Aufführungen präsentiert werden.

The international Festival CAMP (Creative Arts and Music Project) is an innovative forum and interactive laboratory for soundartists, musicians as well as for artists dealing with video, installation, projections and the new media. It is characteristically marked by experimental and electronic music in convergence with visual disciplines. For several days a selected group of artists, who belong to the international avantgarde in their field, work in a  - laboratory of time - on audio - visual projects which will be presented to the public at the final performances.

CAMP workshops / lectures

CAMP Festival 07 wird erstmalig Workshops und Vorträge zum Thema Audiovisuelle Kunst, Visual Music und Vj'ing anbieten.
Die Teilnahme ist frei.

Vorkenntnisse in Klangbearbeitung und Video Software erwünscht, aber keine Bedingung.
Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 8 Personen je Workshop

Mittwoch 15. August 10 - 12 Uhr
Donnerstag 16. August 10 - 12 Uhr

Folgende Künstler werden Workshops anbieten:
Prof. Masajuki Akamatsu ( Sound, Max/Msp)
Ricardo Caballero (Sound)
Philipp Geist (Video, Vj'ing)
Solu aka Mia Makela (Video, Vj'ing)
Kasumi (Video, Vj'ing)

Anmeldeschluss ist der 10. August.
Anmelden unter: education at camp-festival.de


August 24th 2007

Friday 24.08.2007 - 18h-1h
Riverine Video-Water-Installation Project in Bremen

DJ raphaël marionneau (abstrait)
DJ aqua bassino (f com)

Luc's Hausboot
Hohentors Hafen, Auf dem Dreieck
(Gelände des Fachverbands Segeln)
28197 Bremen



August 25th 2007

Saturday 25.08.2007
KAIAK - Projekt
Riverine Video-Water-Installation Project in Berlin-Altstadt Köpenick
Grünstraße 6-8, 12555 Berlin-Altstadt Köpenick



31th August - 16th September 2007

Illustrative 2007 - Berlin

Paradise Lost (Gustave Doré | 1866) Video-Installation von Philipp Geist

Projekttext - Paradise Lost (D)

Villa Elisabeth, Invalidenstr. 4, 10119 Berlin-Mitte

Die ILLUSTRATIVE BERLIN 07 ist die führende Ausstellung für zeitgenössische Illustration und Grafik. Vom 31. August bis zum 16. September 2007 zeigt die Illustrative in Berlin mit über 200 Arbeiten eine Werkschau der renommiertesten Illustratoren und Grafiker.
Die ILLUSTRATIVE PARIS 07, die vom 26. November bis zum 9. Dezember stattfindet, ist die französische Schwesterveranstaltung der ILLUSTRATIVE BERLIN. Sie ist ein neues dezentrales Kunstfestival in der französischen Metropole, das die Ausstellung der ILLUSTRATIVE mit zahlreichen Sonderpräsentationen verbindet.

ILLUSTRATIVE BERLIN is the leading art forum showcasing contemporary illustrative art.

Taking place in Berlin from August 31st to September 16th 2007, Illustrative showcases more than 200 works of established European illustrators. The festival marks and displays exciting developments in contemporary illustration and graphics, as well as in other applied arts in the illustrational field, such as book printing and animation. ILLUSTRATIVE is a meeting point for the international creative community - collectors, designers, curators and art lovers.
The ILLUSTRATIVE PARIS 07 (November 29th to December 9th) hosts, together with the ILLUSTRATIVE exhibition, special presentations, events, concerts and catwalk fashion shows. ILLUSTRATIVE PARIS transforms Parisian innovative galleries, ateliers, showrooms and shops to - Parcours illustrative.

ILLUSTRATIVE BERLIN 07 | 31. August - 16. September 2007 | Villa Elisabeth, Berlin

ILLUSTRATIVE PARIS 07 | 26. November - 9. Dezember 2007 | Espaces Comines, Paris


September 2007

Riverine (Video-Water-Installation) at Amsterdam - Club 11

01.- 30. September 2007 (4 Weeks/ Daily)

Opening 01.September  2007 with DJ Schege (Berlin/ Tied&Tickled Trio/ MorrMusic)

the installation RIVERINE will be shown as mulitchannel installation with 12 videoprojectores and



September 2007

Rome Palazzo delle Esposizioni 07. / 08. September 2007
REOPENING - Notte Bianca

Video Installation - TIME LINES  by Philipp Geist (VIDEOGEIST/ Berlin)


past projects video installation project
winterzauber - zurich

Video Installation - TIME LINES  by Philipp Geist (VIDEOGEIST/ Berlin)

Rome - Palazzo delle Esposizioni
07th / 8th September 2007 Notte Bianca

For his Video Installation TIME LINES in Rome, the Berlin-based artist Philipp Geist (born 1976) deliberately avoids the use of canvases and instead projects directly onto the concrete building façades of Plazzo delle Esposizioni. On 7th/ 8th of September, visitors can expect to see a selection of images alternating between purist, dreamlike and intangibly fragile compositions. The starting foundation for all of Philipp Geist's work is video material solely filmed and produced by himself.

Philipp Geist filmed ancient art objects, as for example statues, antique sculptures, busts, paintings, gold decoration and mosaics in Rome and Berlin, from unusual perspectives. Geist used modern digital techniques (hard- and software) to manipulate the filmed images by abstracting, recolouring and overlaying them. Elements of the art pieces are seperated from their context and arranged in new picture variants and artistic compositions. In the video installation art pieces from same and different epochs are combined. The projected moving images can be seen only on smooth surfaces in a clear and unbroken way. This fragmentary effect refers to the partial, only incompletely preserved antique art objects, and thus develops a symbiosis between the projection wall and the video art. An interaction emerges between the antique works and the contemporary, digital medium videoart on the architecture and the spectators, which both serve as projection ground.

By opting to use the three-dimensional, defined structure contours as projection surfaces instead of canvases, Geist increases the motifs abstraction while simultaneously regaining depth and diversity. In this way, Geist initiates a dialogue between the historically architecture, his artistic work and the people going in and out of the structure: The visitor himself becomes part of the projected image on the threshold between the inside and outside of the building.

The visitors make a time journey within picture worlds, which range from antiquity to the digital age.

Projekttext by Viola Fissek © 2007


Musicvideo and Album Release Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub

New Album  Faking to blend  (Ltd. Edition) including Philipp Geist Special
Musicvideo - On Tuesdays I'm not as young - Version 1 & 2
and Water-Video-Installation RIVERINE Movie

Video Version 1 online


Video-Shooting in Berlin Flickr
(Photos by Patrick Heeren and Viola Fissek)


Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub - On Tuesdays I'm not as young
Record Release 03.August 2007

interpret: Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub
titel: On Tuesdays I'm not as young
director: Philipp Geist
duration: 3:48
produktionsfirma: VIDEOGEIST
produktionsleitung: Philipp Geist
kamera: Philipp Geist
cutter: Philipp Geist
LCode: LC 13867
ISRCode: DEAL30700184
Label: Motor Music
Verlag: Gold Musikverlag / Motor Publishing / Hanseatic Musikverlag
Text: Boa
Musik: Boa, Lunda, Vella
© 2007


Oliver Herwig | Axel Thallemer
WATER | Wasser
The Unity of Art and Science

304 pages, 22 x 25.5 cm, approx. 400 colour illustrations. A book object. Text in English and German.
USD 95.00 | Pound 55.00
delivery date: 15.10.2007

including RIVERINE Video-Water-Installation Project by Philipp Geist



What is water? Our perceptions of this "stuff" that is so existential for us vary widely. Water is scarcely perceived, if at all, in our cultural landscape unless it has changed from its usual state. Humanity has always been fully aware that water is 'pivotal' to its existence on this planet. The ancient Egyptians had always known that the Nile was the great giver of life that made the crucial difference between curse and blessing; it was venerated as divine. Very few people today are aware that of the vast volume of water we have on this planet, only about 2% is freshwater and, therefore, fit to be drunk by man and animal.

The book addresses the question of what water is, approaching an answer from two sides: first, through science and clarification of its chemical and physical properties and the effect they have on our living space. Second, it pursues in parallel the traces left by water in art, architecture and design, in which it is perceived as a phenomenon that is represented or used creatively in diverse ways. The focus is on the 20th century to the present.

An exhilarating dialogue emerges from the juxtaposition of art, architecture, design and science. This is a creative experiment that should stimulate all those who think responsibly to have some serious thoughts about this element so vital to our existence. Water will play a crucial role in determining our future; the question is how we are to deal with this precious substance.

AIR/LUFT has already been published in the "Four Elements" series. The two companion volumes on FIRE and EARTH will appear in casual sequence.


Was ist Wasser? Unsere Wahrnehmung dieses für uns existenziellen ?Stoffes" ist sehr different. Wasser nimmt man in unserem Kulturkreis eigentlich gar nicht wahr, außer es ist gegenüber dem gewohnten Zustand anders. Von Beginn an war den Menschen dieses Planeten klar, dass Wasser der ?Dreh- und Angelpunkt" ihrer Existenz ist. Für die Ägypter war seit alters her bekannt, dass der Nil der große Lebensspender ist, der über Fluch und Segen entscheidet; er wurde als Gott verehrt. Nur wenige sind sich heute der Tatsache bewusst, dass von der ungeheuren Wassermenge, die wir auf diesem Planeten haben, nur etwa 2% Süßwasser und damit für Mensch und Tier genießbar sind.

Das Buch stellt sich die Frage, was ist Wasser, und nähert sich einer Beantwortung von zwei Seiten. Durch die naturwissenschaftliche Erklärung seiner chemisch/physikalischen Bestandteile, deren Eigenschaften sowie Wirkung auf unseren Lebensraum. Parallel folgt es den kulturhistorischen Spuren des Phänomens Wasser in Kunst, Architektur und Design, in denen Wasser auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise wahrgenommen, dargestellt oder kreativ eingesetzt wird. Mit dem Fokus auf das 20. Jahrhundert bis heute.

Im Nebeneinander von Kunst, Architektur, Design und Naturwissenschaft entsteht ein spannender Dialog über Wasser. Ein kreatives Experiment, das alle verantwortlich Denkenden anregen soll, sich ernsthaft Gedanken über das für uns so lebenswichtige Element zu machen. Wasser wird die Zukunft der Menschheit entscheidend bestimmen; die Frage wird sein, wie wir künftig damit umgehen.

In der Reihe ?Die vier Elemente" ist bereits erschienen AIR / LUFT . Die weiteren Bände über FEUER und ERDE erscheinen in loser Folge.


New Riverine Links & Blogs

Chicago River (Chicago / USA) - Riverine Videostills

Isar (Munich/ Germany) - Riverine Videostills


New Photoworks at Flickr

Riverine at Flickr

Sylt Photo Series

Chicago Photo Series

Spree & Wannsee Water Picture Series

Chiemsee Water Picture Series

Abstract Photo Works

Abstract Water Photo Works


for (un)subscribe please email to mail at p-geist.de


Philipp Geist


mail at p-geist.de
mobile +491792260078
phone +493095994785
skype vgeist88

Studio Philipp Geist
PO 080311
10003 Berlin/ Germany