[rohrpost] Media Theory on the Move. Transatlantic Perspectives on
Media and Mediation. May 21.-23. 2009
Winfried Gerling
gerling at fh-potsdam.de
Don Apr 23 15:24:26 CEST 2009
Media Theory on the Move. Transatlantic Perspectives on Media and
Es handelt sich um die erste transatlantische Tagung dieser Art, die
namhafte deutsche und nordamerikanische Medientheoretiker und
Medienwissenschaftler versammelt, und die die beiden
unterschiedlichen Kulturen medientheoretischen Denkens miteinander
ins Gespräch zu bringen versucht.
Europäische Medienwissenschaft - Universität Potsdam und
Fachhochschule Potsdam
21. - 23. Mai 2009
Internationale Konferenz
an der Universität Potsdam
Am Neuen Palais 10
Haus 8, 60/61
Beginn 10.00 Uhr
Konferenzsprache: Englisch
Info & Programm: www.emw.eu
Peter Bexte (Köln)
Jay David Bolter (Atlanta)
Richard Cavell (Vancouver)
Lorenz Engell (Weimar)
Norm Friesen (Kamloops)
Mark Hansen (Durham)
Knut Hickethier (Hamburg)
Sybille Krämer (Berlin)
Peter Krapp (Irvine)
Kristóf Nyíri (Budapest)
Thomas Y. Levin (Princeton)
Joachim Paech (Konstanz)
John Durham Peters (Iowa City)
Ludwig Pfeiffer (Bremen)
Claus Pias (Wien)
Irmela Schneider (Köln)
Jeremy Shapiro (New York)
Christoph Tholen (Basel)
Nikolaus Wegmann (Princeton)
Hartmut Winkler (Paderborn)
10.00 Opening
Dieter Mersch
10.15 Jay David Bolter (Atlanta): Liveness and Performance in
Contemporary Digital Media
11.15 Ludwig Pfeiffer (Bremen): Media and 'Mentalities':
Theoretical Histories and Conceptual Consequences
12.45 Sybille Krämer (Berlin): Medium, Message, Messenger: Why
Transmission Matters
15.00 Kristóf Nyíri (Budapest): The Moving Image on a Mobile Device
16.00 Knut Hickethier (Hamburg): Fictionality, Strategies of
Fictionalizing and fictionalizing Literature
17.30 Thomas Y. Levin (Princeton): Cinema and Surveillance
18.30 Peter Bexte (Cologne): Prepositions and Things. Some
Reflections on Relations
10.00 Christoph Tholen (Basel): Mediality as Inbetweenness: A
Historical and Deconstructive Sketch
11.00 Lorenz Engell (Weimar): Things and Media
12.30 Mark Hansen (Durham): Time and Media
15.00 Norm Friesen (Kamloops): Medienwissenschaften and Media
Literacies: Explorations and Implications
16.00 John Durham Peters (Iowa City): German-American Influences in
Media Theory: The Case of Lewis Mumford's Technics and Civilization
17.30 Claus Pias (Vienna): What's German about German Media Theory?
18.30 Joachim Paech (Constance): Popular Fiction, Popular Art and
New Media. On the Way to Medienwissenschaft in 1970s‘ Germany
19.30 Exhibition & Screening:
Harald Hauswald: Photographs
Marc Thümmler: Radfahrer
10.00 Jeremy Shapiro (New York): The Torture of Social Networking
11.00 Irmela Schneider (Cologne): The Idea of Dissemination and the
Avalanche of Statistics
12.30 Hartmut Winkler (Paderborn): Geometry of Time. Media,
Spatialization, and Reversibility
15.00 Peter Krapp (Irvine): Play Money: game economics
16.00 Richard Cavell (Vancouver): McLuhan Motion E-Motion
17.30 Nikolaus Wegmann (Princeton): Media Studies and the Canon.
Or: What to Cherish in Media?
18.30 Farewell
Dieter Mersch: Trip to Lemos