[spectre] Content

Annick Bureaud annickb@altern.org
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 09:02:20 +0800

Some thoughts :

- I was amazed this Summer, to get no reaction of what happened in
Genova (how do you say for this City in English ?) on the Syndicate
list. Then I thought that it was because it was in the middle of the
Summer and that people might not be that much connected. I also thought
that may be it was also because there was not that much to say that
hasn't been already said or written in the main stream newspapers and in
individual or collective discussions face to face. What could "media art
people" had to add on this particular list, that we didn't know  or
didn't agree with ? Just a thought, not very well expressed. Sorry,
sometimes English makes me not very subtle in my expression.

- From my point of view the implosion of Syndicate occured precisely in
the middle of the Summer, less people on the list, less people to react,
good time to take the power.

- I don't think that only media critics or theoreticians, or curators
are interested in announcements, so are the artists too. I don't see why
announcements and discussions could not cohabitate on the list. Geert,
discussions are the core of your life. It is then important for you that
you focus on that. Everyone on the former Syndicate took different
things from the list, some of us took everything but not necessarily all
the time. Sometimes I just delete the announcements, sometimes it is the
discussions. Depends on what I am doing, on my everyday life and
everyday problems, time, etc.

- Another question : why some of us asked Andreas and Inke to create a
new list ? From my point of view, it was because Syndicate was bringing
something to the community, something we miss. I don't think it is being
conservative. What Syndicate was bringing is needed. Some list has to do =
Now because we start afresh, we ask ouserlves : what should be done ?
Opening up to "Europe" (Deep Europe) instead of East/West is one thing
that came out. One important thing.=20

Why do reject the goal and content of the old Syndicate ? What was wrong
with it ? Is the fact that it imploded related to its former content ? I
don't think so. We should not throw the baby with the bath water here.
For me there is a clear distinction between the content and goal of the
list and the highjack. Syndicate was one of the very few unmoderated
list. Easy to take over, easy to break down, specially in August where
very few people are behind their computers.

If we want to change the content of the Spectre as compared to former
Syndicate, we have to ask ourselves, what was wrong with the previous
one (and for me nothing was wrong, or I would not have asked Inke and
Andreas if they plan to start a new list), and not use the highjack as
an excuse. there are other lists full of discussions, Syndicate was the
only one with short, concise announcements, with "practices" instead of
talks. For me practices is as important as talks, we can talk only if
there is something done "out there".

OK, enough of that. I have the feeling that we are again in a "power
struggle" and that I take part in it, adding noise to the noise. This
has never been my choice. I won't post anymore on that subject.

 Let's meet in Linz. Can I make a proposal for that meeting ?  Can we
say 12h00 on sept the 4th at the Brucknerhaus ?
Can those who will be in Linz say yes or no ?

Annick Bureaud (annickb@altern.org)
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