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clement Thomas - pavu.com ctgr@free.fr
Sat, 08 Sep 2001 18:41:03 +0200

dears friends of the spectre (brrrrrrrrrrr)

Annick Bureaud a *crit :

> Hi !
> Just back from Ars. Quick comments as many of you have already written
> what I think ;-)
> I liked the AEC Tangible Bits exhibit. Sure it is heavy funded lab
> projects, but it shows directions that are very interesting and very
> seldom shown and some were just good art to me. I don't think we should
> dismiss things that come from "Big Labs" because they are big labs.

This is not the point I guess. I have been following numerous evening shows in
Beaubourg about "Cinema de demain" without meeting any cineaste as invité, but solo
producers of a fifi kind.
Maybe technoart is simple push the red button way and la bobinette cherra. But maybe
not and this not is in kept the shadow.

> I think we had a fruitful meeting. Let's just start using the list now
> (well, Andreas obviously already did). I will do my best to report from
> what I see and from French activities too.

we will take care of the what you unsee scene.
please stay tuned.

> Best
> Annick

wishing you the best always.
clément Thomas
for pavu.com
-/ une maille à l'endroit, une maille à l'envers ! /-

PS : i keep syndicating too
So I cc to plug the thread, if so.

> P.S. PWR (Paris Weather Report) : heavy rain today, feel like going to
> bed with a good book instead of answering my emails ....
> --
> annickb@altern.org
> ---------------------------
> Annick Bureaud (annickb@altern.org)
> --------------------------------------
> * Get a T.Shirt / Achetez un T.Shirt
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> http://www.cdemusic.org/
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> tél/fax : 33/143 20 92 23
> mobile : 33 (0)6 86 77 65 76
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> IDEA online/International Directory of Electronic Arts : http://nunc.com
> OLATS/Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et des Techno-Sciences : http://www.olats.org
> ______________________________________________
> SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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