[spectre] RE: new mailing list: SPECTRE :info

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck@transmediale.de
Sun, 09 Sep 2001 19:43:53 +0200 (CEST)

dear anna,

thanks for your message.

Zitiere anna balint <epistolaris@freemail.hu>:

> dear Andreas and Inke,
> I was offline a for a couple of days I see now that your initiatives
> are. I
> regret tremendously that you decided not to collaborate anymore with
> the
> syndicate list, and you preferred to start a new list, but anyway I wish
> you
> many success.
> Meanwhile I saw that you based your new mailing list on the notion of
> deep
> europe, a term which I invented in 1996. I insist that you mention in
> your
> announcing letter this fact: 'deep europe, a notion coined by anna
> balint
> 1996'. I will have to publish in all media forums my article from
> 1996,
> everywhere where you announced the new list - which given the
> circumstances
> will deepen the crisis and will even mor differentiate the opinions. But
> I
> can't agree that you appropriate my term and you base a discussion forum
> on
> it without giving a proper credit for it. Andreas, you heard the term
> deep
> europe from Geert Lovink, with whom I was discussing my idea in 1996,
> please
> clarify this.
> greetings,
> Anna

the term came up in discussion with geert in 1996/97 when we were preparing the 
syndicate workshop for documenta x in 1997; it is quite possible that geert 
brought it up, and i am happy to assume that the term came from anna originally. 
it is a bit odd that you never felt the need to point this out in the last 5 
years when this term has been used also in other publications (like my text in 
the ostranenie 97 catalogue), but i see no reason why you should not be credited 
for 'inventing' it. it's a useful and strong metaphor! (is your own 
interpretation closer to the one that equates Deep Europe with eastern europe, or 
do you follow the interpretation formulated by luchezar, referring to the depth 
of layered identities which can be found any where in the continent, and beyond?) 
i look forward to reading your text from 1996.

best regards,