[spectre] ::: hacker techniques :::: 17 > 21/9/01 :::: bcn :::::

fiftyfifty holafifty@fiftyfifty.org
Wed, 12 Sep 2001 15:10:29 +0200


Hacker Techniques : Download if you Dare !
directed by Gabriele Cosentino, Vanni Brusadin & fiftyfifty.org

Workshop 17 > 21/9/01 @ HANGAR, Barcelona, Spain.
Public presentation  21/9/01 @ 19.30h @ HANGAR.
Call for texts for publication on line.


Los hackers exploran Internet de una manera profunda. Sus t=E1cticas, t=E9cn=
y herramientas abren nuevas posibilidades para los artistas. Los participant=
en el workshop aprender=E1n a utilizar varias de las herramientas de los hac=
y se iniciar=E1n en su filosof=EDa.

Artistas invitados presentar=E1n su trabajo, dentro de conceptos como hackti=
y "network art". El workshop generar=E1 varios eventos en
incluyendo una exposici=F3n titulada "Download if you Dare" y un foro para t=
y reflexiones sobre los temas tratadas en el taller.


Participacion en el foro esta abierto a tod@s. Para participar, mandar vuest=
texto/link y un corto texto sobre tu mismo a : mia@fiftyfifty.org.
La fecha de entrega es el 15 de octubre 2001.

Temas :
online, network, network art, net art, online activism, hackers, virus,
software manipulation, media hacking, plagiarism, + + +



Hackers explore the internet in a profound way. Their tactics,
techniques and tools
open up new possibilities for artists. Workshop participants will
learn to use a
variety of hacker tools and be introduced to the philosophy behind them.

Invited artists will give presentations of their work dealing with
the ideas of hacktivism
and network art. The workshop will generate a variety of online events in
http://www.fiftyfifty.org including an exhibition entitled: Download
if you Dare!
and a forum for texts and reflections on hackers.


Participation in the forum is open to all. Send your text or link + a short
description of yourself to : mia@fiftyfifty.org. The deadline for
publication is
the 15th of october 2001.

Themes :
online, network, network art, net art, online activism, hackers, virus,
software manipulation, media hacking, plagiarism, + + +



Passatge Marques de Santa Isabel, 40
08018 Barcelona

Bus: Diagonal 40,41,7
Metro: Poble Nou (L4), Bac de Roda(L2)

