[spectre] [Fwd: :110: Invitation: Lomolympics Oslosis + Stratos Party 14/9/01]
Jeremy Welsh
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 13:28:02 +0200
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Lomographic Sampling Games 2001 - Norwegian Qualification Round
September 14-16, 2001
Oslosis - Absorbing the city from A-Z
The Lomographic Society International, the Lomographic Embassy Norway
and the WorldChampion of the Lomolympics 2000, Cecilie
Owren, welcomes you and your friends to this year's Oslo A-Z challenge.
Get your lend-a-Lomo-or-Action-or-SuperSampler survival-kit
and get snapshooting like a maniac!
Friday, September 14, 2001, 20.00
STRATOS, Youngstorget 2A, 12th floor, 0028 Oslo (enter through the
Operapassage) on top of the city of Oslo with a 360=B0 panorama
view of the city, with lomo-exhibition and lomographic visuals.
This is also the Meeting point and Registration for the A-Z Challenge!
Oslo, Oslo, Oslo ...Shoot the city, use your lomographic tools to =
a late-summer city image, revealing the essentials of Oslo.
Lomographic Exhibition: Saturday, September 15, 2001
Surprise! To be announced on the Party...
Face-to-face hand-in deadline for competition goods: Sunday=20
afternoon, September
16, 2001
Caf=E9 Luxembourg, Oslo
Hand in your films and summer sampling albums (!)
You might win a trip to the International Finals of the Lomographic
(on a boat from Vienna/Austria to Belgrade/Yugoslavia) and we want a
Norwegian world champion again!!!!
Henrik N=F8mm, Ambassador to the Lomographic Embassy Norway
T (47) 90 92 23 19
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