[spectre] re: take over
Chris Byrne
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:26:53 +0100
A few suggestions - comments welcome.
One question: who is this resource for? If it's primarily for the Academic
community, I think the resources available from educational institutions
would outstrip those of the independent arts organisations, and should be
If we are talking about a broader public resource, I would think there are
resources that can be found within the community subscribing to this list.
Hosting the site should be possible here at mediascot.org. Collating and
editing material, and designing the interface: now that's a big job and
requires resources, skills and time which we can't spare in the short term.
Our site is currently being redeveloped to be dynamically served, fully
searchable etc. so once that's complete (end of October I hope) it will be
simpler to add material and make it easily accessible. There's also the
question of which material to choose, how to make it accessible in ways
other than the purely technical. This is a publication project, essentially.
I suggest a first step is to ask members of Spectre to gather references
and links to already existing online material, of which there is a fair
amount. Even with this starting point, some selections may need to be made.
Then a call for volunteers for an editorial board/steering group perhaps.
Anyone interested?
Then identifying who can collate material, edit material, perhaps write
linking texts, design interface elements... Either funding can be sought
for this or the Interfund model of collaborative working/exchange can be
At 12:36 pm +0200 25/9/01, Jeremy Welsh wrote:
>yes an online resource would be useful. Of course somebody has to host
>This is where everyone rushes for the exit. Last man standing gets the job !
>But seriously, if one of the organisations that we all have connections
>with has
>the capacity, then maybe we can crack the problem.. It could be a service to a
>rather broad community
Chris Byrne chris@mediascot.org
New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UK http://www.mediascot.org