[spectre] bio-script::by Alan Sondheim

Kenji Siratori white-b@d4.dion.ne.jp
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 14:14:54 +0900


gleaning KENJI siratori

human body pill=planet made of retro-ADAM tera=of=the cadaver feti
cadaver feti continent of the human body pill to the soul/gram made of ADAM
made of retro-ADAM of dogs acid--I turn on the non-resettable cadaver feti
BDSM_cadaver feti-WEB of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM so....the gene=TV
>>the cadaver feti soul/gram made of retro-ADAM is rendered to the internal
The soul/gram made of retro-ADAM the chloroform larvas of the cadaver feti
the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM virus the cadaver feti body joint that flip
made@retro-ADAM rave to the spiral mechanism--. Tera=of to the cadaver feti
made of retro-ADAM the cadaver feti eyeball of the technojunkies'
protocol of the ruin of the soul/gram made of retro-ADAM cadaver feti=>the
3 m
4 ls
5 rm *.doc
7 wc kenji
8 pico kenji
10 grep "####" kenji
11 grep ADAM kenji
12 grep ADAM kenji
13 grep ADAM kenji | grep cadaver
14 grep ADAM kenji | grep cadaver | grep feti
16 grep ADAM kenji | grep cadaver | grep feti | grep made
18 grep ADAM kenji | grep cadaver | grep feti | grep made >> zz
universe of the drug embryo that the technojunkies' cadaver feti mass of
21 tail kenji
22 grep embryo kenji
23 grep embryo kenji | grep that
24 grep embryo kenji | grep that | grep feti
25 grep embryo kenji | grep that | grep feti >> zz
chromosome form desire-protocol creatures that grow thick to the RAVE_crime
28 head kenji
29 grep chromo kenji
30 grep chromo kenji | grep desire
31 grep chromo kenji | grep desire >> zz


by Alan Sondheim