[spectre] Violence - call for festivals submissions

Agricola de Cologne Agricola de Cologne" <nc-agricowi@netcologne.de
Fri, 3 May 2002 13:12:32 +0200

Please forward this call to all who might be interested in.
'Violens' Festival Tabor (Czech Republic)
Call for submissions
Deadline 15 June 2002. No entry fee!

As the creator of 'A Virtual Memorial'
www.a-virtual-memorial.org -
I have been invited by 'Violens' Festival Tabor (Czech Republic)
to curate and organize an online art exhibition on the theme violence,
entitled simply 'Violence', as part of the festival this year.

The festival will take place from 15 - 25 August 2002
and is organized by CESTA (Cultural Exchange Station in T=E1bor).
Read more about CESTA below.

I would like to invite artists of all artistic disciplines
to participate und submit either net based works
or physical art works to be submitted as digital files,
i.e. poems, texts, paintings, videos, documenation, photographs, etc

All kind of artistic approaches and views on the subject are welcome.

*Festival Statement:
'Art and violence both seem to stem from the abstract: that place beyond
logic, the realm of the emotion. When they intersect we are simultaneousl=
repelled and attracted, frightened and excited. Historically this meeting
has been wrought with complexity, and as cultural violence in every socie=
increases, we are prevented by paranoia, censorship and ethical demands f=
asking, and sometimes even posing, some of the most important questions
violence and art together and separately produce: how is violence
represented, and what or how much of it do we need to resist the cultivat=
of fear and the encouragement of dependency? Is violence a tool, a proces=
or a result? When are artistic portrayals of violence justifiable? As
intellectual exercise, ritual, or spiritual enhancement? For other purpos=
Or are they never justifiable? Is violence in art an action, reaction, or
reflection? '

**The art works can be submitted
a) net based works as URL

b) any other kind of art work as
following digital file typs:

text:.txt, .doc, plain email text
image:.jpg,.gif, .png
sound: mp3
video/animation: .swf (Flash), .dcr (Shockwave), .mov (Quicktime), .avi
(Windows Video), .rm (Real Video)
(no more than 2MB for each submitted work)

**Please fill out this Entry Form, all items are mandatory:

Name of artist

Short CV (to be published) not more than 250 words

Title of works

year of origin
used media of original work
submitted format of digital work

**Please send the form together with the media files to

Only complete submissions will be accepted.
All works which go seriously down to the subject will be included.
*Deadline 15 June 2002.
**Notification of acceptance until 30 June 2002.

*About CESTA
CESTA's festival themes and parameters of cross-national interdisciplinar=
collaborations represent the center's commitment to improving communicati=
through creative expression. We base our selection of artists on a review=
applications resulting from our annual open call.
Nov=E1kova 387
T=E1bor 39001
Czech Republic

*The exhibition site will be hosted by 'NewMediaArtProjectNetwork'
and will go online in the beginning of August 2002,
it will also be 'Featured project' during September 2002 on 'A Virtual
Memorial' www.a-virtual-memorial.org , which is dedicated that month to
the victims of violence regarding particularly the memory of
the terror attack on 9/11/2001.
The exhibition will be included for permanent
in "A Virtual Memorial' environment.

I hope many of you will participate.
Best for now,

Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
A Virtual Memorial -
Memorial Project against the Forgetting and for Humanity,
corporate member of 'NewMediaArtProjectNetwork'